Now this is as off topic as it gets with regards to our own Nationalist cause but I feel that we have completely ignored the disaster happening in Japan simply because its happening on the other side of the world.
I have already had an enormous debate over the Japan issue, and it drew some negatives and positives but rather than having the discussion all over again I wanted to cover the threat this disaster poses to White nations and white people.
This article will shock many but at the same time will highlight just how much the main stream media lie. It will also highlight why it is important to fight the government idea of closing down the internet during "Disasters" and directing people only to Government websites. I have taken a lot of time talking to friends who are very interested in Earthquakes and also listening to a LOT of reports coming from alternative media sources that describe this Nuclear fallout as "Chernobyl on Steroids"
I am NOT going to discuss the earthquake or the Tsunami but only discuss what is happening inside the Nuclear facility. I urge comrades who have read my blog to read this because the nuclear reactors that have exploded pose an extreme risk to you and your children.
Point 1 I will try and make with basic knowledge shared with me from friends who know MUCH more than me about this stuff. One of them being the father of my comrade who has worked around these type of facilities all his adult life and has a vast range of knowledge on this issue.
The Reactors inside the plant before the explosion.
Now all it takes is to watch the following 2 clips one after another and before they start I want to give you one thing to look out for. The first video will show a explosion that travels width ways, the second will show an explosion shoot up. The first explosion the media first said had smashed down a wall and HAD NOT released any of the radiation inside. IT DID BUT PLEASE READ ON!
Video 1 = Width Explosion
Video 2 = Shooting Up Like Nuclear Bomb
Now the media told us after video one that it was a wall and none of the Radiation came out, since then they have said radiation did leak out and that up to 7000 used rods were stored inside around a cooling area up around the ceiling. IN OTHER WORDS THE RODS CONTAINING RADIATION HAD BEEN BLOWN EVERYWHERE.
Then from the second clip you can see this explosion is much more violent, you see a flash of orange and then the smoke reaches the white tower in the shot in about a second. Compared to the first clip which took about 8 seconds to reach as high.
The media said after the second explosion that there was now a little risk from this radiation and this is why this article matters to us. I will try and provide all the information given to me and hope that people will at least take time to look into this for themselves because some key facts.
If something is blown high enough it enters what is known as the "Jet Stream" and that travels around the globe like this ..
The jet stream constantly travels in that direction ALWAYS and then wind change and weather determine where it grabs valleys and coast lines and sends wind in various directions. But the key is to look at the picture above and remember the way in which the cycle constantly travels.
Now it is important to reveal 2 bits of news that have not made their way to our main stream news and these news articles should be EVERYWHERE!
The Japanese government has not told the people about the ominous fact that the plant site is a hellish repository where a staggering number of spent fuel rods have accumulated for 40
Each reactor building pool holds 3,450 fuel rod assemblies and the common pool holds 6,291 fuel rod assemblies. Each assembly holds sixty three fuel rods. In short, the Fukushima Daiichi plant contains over 600,000 spent fuel rods.
Now if you can imagine your home in the summer curtains closed and a small beam of light gets in that shows you small bits of dust floating around your home. Reactor 3 contains something mixed with 7% plutonium and 93% uranium. 1 single dust particle of either of these WILL KILL YOU! Not maybe, not possibly 110% you are dead if this stuff gets into your lungs. It is now important for me to tell you that the life of this stuff (meaning how long it lives or remains dangerous) is a minimum of 4 BILLION YEARS!
Now everyone will know all about chernobyl and recent studies show that 1Million people on average died worldwide as a result of Chernobyl.
Proof Provided Here
Chernobyl had not even 1% of this radiation, not even 0.1% in fact and when you watch the reactor 3 video. (Video 2) you will see chunks of black objects come down from the mushroom cloud and the media have only just began to warn people about the wind I showed you above. Many people in Russia know how dangerous this is and began getting radiation meters the day after the first reactor exploded.
The shooting high explosion sent many of these rods not only all over the plant but MANY are known to have been sent into the sea. Many fragments of this have gone into the Pacific ocean and the media are not mentioning this as main stream world wide important news. Basic maths says that if Chernobyl has killed 1 Million and this is 100x or more worse that mass death over the next 2 decades could be hundreds of millions.
Fish will be radiated, milk from dairy will be affected, meat will be affected and this isn't simply a Japanese problem. In fact most of this fallout will not hit japan in mass dosage and a large percentage of this is now heading toward North America where about 70% of farming productivity is based.
If the plant’s radioactive particles get caught in the jet stream and travel the world over, they will end up contaminating crops and grazing fields the entire world over. Time and time and time again for the next 4 BILLION years and I challenge anyone to prove any of this to be false information.
I pride my blog and my morals on honesty and the honest facts are that this is the biggest disaster in Human history. In many ways you could call it the "end of the world" because this much radiation at best will shorten the life thousands of future generations. Massive increase in cancer has been seen the world over from the now minute disaster that was chernobyl.
It is also important for me to inform people that these 600 thousand rods are NOT SAFE and the 50 men going in and out for 15 minutes at a time are DEAD IN A WEEK, the helicopters flying over the pilots are DEAD IN A WEEK the people within this containment zone DEAD the British gone into work with them DEAD the chidren of workers deformed for ever. This literally spells disaster on a scale we have never known and the media refuse to make anything of it.
Now when this wind drags this around the globe people need to be prepared and that will be something else I cover in a article I shall prepare asap and put up. The important thing for people to know is that Chernobyl was 1 million dead and it was nothing, nothing, nothing compared to this. This will travel the globe and some of this will land in European fields and farms. Some of this will land in water supplies, some of this will affect milk and dairy, grazing animals and if a pregnat mother in Europe ingests 1 single dust particle of Plutonium or Uranium it spells death or severe disaster for the unborn child and most certainly a life expectancy at least halved.
I have tried to put across this information in the best way as someone who simply learnt ANY of this 1 WEEK AGO. It is also worth noting that today while my Partner returned from shopping she said to the driver. "How long before you think the radiation will reach Europe" to which he replied "it won't get to Europe" and looked at her like she was mental. It is that attitude that is mental, that attitude that shows how survival has been removed from the instinct of man and replaced with blind submission.
Just as those who may wish to ignore this whole article have the right to do so, but I would hope people would go as far as to check for themselves. Radiation lives 4 BILLION YEARS - 600-000 Rods (thats over half a million) melting and releasing the most dangerous radiation (Plutonium or Uranium) into the atmosphere and a few Japanese workers who have the Job to go in and die in order to save NOT just Japan but the world from an even bigger disaster. Since then most of those set that task have began to get sick and the Japanese will then begin to call on troops who must "defend a nation" just as if Yorkshire plant went British men would have to go in and give their lives. A real test of manhood in my oppinion and something we have to recognize because now if Japanese people cannot show courage then day by day this gets more serious for us.
They refer to radiation pools on the floor as "China syndrome" because it will literally melt through the earth, not stopping just continuing to melt through the earth.
Please share this information with people because if you google Iodine sold out you will see that people who understand what happened at chernobyl know that radiation is coming and people need to be prepared.
The Survival/Protection segment I will write up and upload Tomorrow.
How do you explain this from the BNP?