Sunday, March 06, 2011

For those Conspiracy people...

Now the title was meant to be a joke but the situation really isn't all that funny so I intend to be serious on an issue which surely is an issue for all of us.

The post is about the threat we have with half truths and now that I finished my video English Defence League - Half Truths I intend to make a video covering the lies told by some of the people we are supposed to be able to trust.

Now the very word "conspiracy" has been used too widely and has made all debate and questions about war, terror etc look like the same outrageous discussion on par with aliens and shape shifting reptiles.

I believe 100% that the US government had inside knowledge of 9/11 before 9/11.
I believe the whole purpose of the war was to take control of an area, destroy it so as to get contracts to rebuild it, then make millions re-arming those same people.

I believe the reason the EDL shot to fame while the nationalist movements sat in the background was NOT because they brought truth to the platform but because they have provided the Zionists with a win win situation. They keep the British people angry or willing for war because they breed a hatred amongst the Muslims here which we have to live through day by day.

They know that the UK government is fully behind Israel and all their actions. They know that the Muslims in this nation let in through Zionist controlled British covert rule have a anger for that British support of Israel and so home grown terror is easy as pie for these covert agents to harness and they are doing an excellent job.

I believe that JFK was killed by more than a lone gunman, and I believe that it has to be lunatic to believe that him and his Brother can both die unprotected in such a short space of time.

I believe that certain symbols are used to speak amongst elite groups of people and I most certainly know that mind control is a tool that the system uses daily on people the world over. Still even after being able to prove all of this beyond any reasonable doubt these topics are still called "Conspiracy"

The reason we have this label around things like this is because others take the whole truth and overlay utter fabrication in amongst it.

Some may have read or seen a man by the name of David Icke, used to be a BBC presenter until he decided he was the son of Christ and that the moon had people living in it. He spoke out about many things which can be said to be true also like fluoride in the water, Rothschild money influence in Britain etc, but then he went on to say that the queen had reptile blood and was a shape shifting Lizard.

He couldn't stick with the mason stuff and exposing the big money people, he had to then overlap the facts with mad hatter stuff so that everything he said made him look insane. Even after exposing everything that Icke did he still wouldn't say JEW

He would say lizard, or today his favorite is Rothschild Zionist but he wouldn't say Jew, even when he was quoting an article which had the word Jew he would replace it with Rothschild Zionist.

I put this down to the fact that he wants to keep a mainstream audience and wants very much to keep selling books and selling out stadiums and theaters around the globe. But to stray from the truth at the last hurdle is unforgivable. To tell people Rothschild, bilderberg and many others and then to ignore the overwhelming Jewish influence amongst that is ignorance or plain enemy tactics.

Then of course we have Alex Jones who is Americas biggest alternative news source by far, Alex Jones also in his credit has exposed masses of New World Order issues and most if not all of what he speaks about with regards to Americas bleak future is true as can be. He exposes time after time the plans to depopulate people with vaccines and gm food crops and has covered very well the issues surrounding 9/11 but when you go near Zionism or Israel Alex Jones takes a big leap backwards and states that he supports the state of Israel and that he doesn't support the "White Supremacy Groups" the only problem with that statement is that he is openly revealing the enemy of his own race, he is openly exposing hate laws that are being passed to protect all but white people and he still can't bring himself to except that white people are a victim of hatred specifically & solely because they are white.

So what good is it when these people lure white nationalists away into a fantasy world of "what if's" & "maybes" what good does it do when they take hard work and education and twist it to suit a publicity campaign they have running in their own minds. What good can they do to race or nation both in the United States or Europe when they tell half truths on important issues. How can these people expose so much Zionist Power and NOT call that this elite are almost exclusively Zionist Jews.

I see it like this, if you lie to those who listen to you even once then they should discredit everything you say from then on. If you are honest with people from start to finish and you die known as an honest man that is the greatest legacy I think we can leave in a time when honesty seems nothing but a word in the dictionary amongst most people today. Honesty is why Racialist speakers like Dr David Duke or William Pierce have my full support and my full attention, it is people like John Tyndall who didn't play up to popular opinion but gritted his teeth and came out above all opposition to state the facts.

Don't look at these people who have weekly shows and think they give you the whole truth and then doubt men like Zundel or David Irving who have been jailed for their words. Surely think first that the ones who have been silenced had the most valid information to speak of. When Alex Jones comes on his TV show each day and goes home each night without ever being followed or attacked by any of the 300+ million Americans you need to start asking how can Alex Jones be safe, David Icke be safe but JFK and his Brother can be laid out dead for the world to see.

How is it that Terrorism happens only when it seems to suit an agenda? How come we don't see football games or cricket matches or charity events or political rallies or concerts or mass outdoor gatherings or marathons, or any of this attacked week after week month after month by an enemy that we hear so often wants to wipe us from the face of the earth?

Why do we never question the official story but we are simply willing to except the facts. Why do we say we want rights for whites but then when we read something with regards to Israel/Palestine we think that if we say Arabs are right to defend a land this will make us Pro Islam and because Islam is a threat to us in our lands saying we support a Arab people in their own cause will some how make us less proud of who or what we believe in?

Thats living a lie, thats half truth and more importantly that is conforming to the system by which we are forced to live. We are not at war with Palestine anymore than Palestine is at war with us. We have Islam in this nation which we consider European land and therefore those people in our way of ideology are invaders in our land and many Muslims including those in Iran have said that Arabs should return home and help build the nation of the middle east back up. I don't stand against the return of Arabs to the middle east in fact I support fully this idea, just as if I were alive during the days of Marcus Garvey I would have supported his ideas with regards to blacks returning to their home and making Africa great for Africans.

Anything promoting the survival and separation of ANY racial group is positive toward my races survival and so I support it 200%

I believe that I have the right to defend my land and its native people. Just as I believe that Nigerians have the right to defend the people of Nigeria. Just as the people of Bangladesh have the right to defend their way of life and culture so to I believe the Palestinians have this right.

Having said all this I have also made it clear that when I see Muslims jumping up and down outside town halls and embassy buildings in London for the people of Libya I simply think of cowards because this people left and gave up on their land, they surrendered to the system and let the change or regime rule them rather than the rightful law of people electing a leader and keeping him in his seat of power only while he serves the people.

You cannot claim to support your nation or your people when you have abandoned those people, I am from England and this Island I live on just so happens to be called the United Kingdom, it could be called the land of the Bulldog or the land of the miserable and I would still love her because this is the land I grew on. This is the grass I ran through as a child in the spring, this is the air I Breath and the soil my forefathers tilled. I didn't choose this land this land chose me. I didn't take this land I was giving it by much better mannered men who came before me and who gave their blood sweat and tears to make this land what it is.

I am not a guest in this land I am one of the rightful occupants of this land. The space I walk around in, the towns I visit, the streets I wander through, the Parks my children used to play in, the wonderful landscape I lose myself in was carved over generations and all that I love I love because it is part of me just as much as I am a part of it.

Race Matters! David Icke and his Lizards don't matter!
Race is important! Alex Jones selling of Nuclear fallout shelters and grow your own farms and silver solution lung cleaning products do not matter!

They are a diversion from the whole hearted truth and that diversion happens at a critical time when people have their finger on the pulse.

For those who follow Alex Jones or David Icke I say this...

All they had to say on things that mattered we got from them in the start. New World Order, the infiltration of Freemasonry, the fluoride in the water, the CIA mind control tests, the brainwashing of children through TV and even in some cases using subliminal messages. All this stuff is true and lets simply take that chunk of information and back away from these absolute undercover agents.

David Icke can call the Jews Lizards and get arrested in Canada because of it, he can tell the world people live in the moon and he can keep on telling those that will listen that we live in a giant virtual reality but the fact is this hatred towards my race, this closure of rights for totalitarian government, this loss of freedoms day by day, this war on terror deception, this re-education of our children seems very very real to me Mr Icke so I think I will take your Rothschild Zionist and work with that but you can keep you Moon theory and you can keep your links that take you right up to Mr Crowley and back away from my reality.

Alex Jones, I can't afford to buy or build a nuclear fallout shelter, I can't take on the British system with my garden shovel and I certainly don't see a nation ready to rebel against anything. I see an America that has guns to keep them safe but day after day I just hear Alex Jones say "Be ready" there coming to take your guns, be on the lookout for fema camps popping up near you. Beware that that are infecting your water, don't let them pass the hate speech bill all the while saying.

Its not Jews, or stating support for Israel.

David Duke, William Pierce on the other hand has told the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth from day one and it is exclusively for this reason that they don't have shows on TV. They don't sell out theaters or even get the chance to rent them. They don't get equal platform, they don't get invited to speak on Alex Jones or David Icke tours and this shows clearly what they are and more importantly who these rats work for and it most certainly isn't for the better of our people.

So final thoughts on this are simple, if you want to stay on course and do what is best for Race & Nation then you need to stick on topic rather than letting these very clever agents take you off the track, if you want to stand up and shout your rights to freedom and rights to your own land for your own race and then at the same time you are willing to stand and say Israel belongs to Jews and all Arabs living there need to move then you need a reality check plain and simple.

If we don't want Islamic invasion in our nations does it not make sense that we need to be in control of the policies in that nation? If we want to address our own issues then we need our own control, not control being in the hands of those who will continue to push the two religious groups together until it explodes into all out chaos. The fact is that Israel - Muslim wars belong not here but in the same place as their origins.

The conflict that we see in Europe isn't our conflict. We have wars dating back to the beginning of recorded word that show how we have had enough of our own internal wars to last a lifetime. We don't have to involve ourselves in this war. We don't have to give lives and allow service men and women to die for a war that is nothing to do with us. What we need to do is ignore this conflict, not support its reign of terror exclusively to benefit our governments "Israeli Friends" do not support those occupying but support the rightful occupant of a land.

When our own white people can see that supporting Israel means continuing our threat of violence at home, when our people can at least consider the other option which is rather than this continued support for terror and genocide the support for a nationalist to defend his or her nation.

Only when this taboo or media lie has been exposed can we truly show people that multiculturalism is the true racism. Only when we can wake up the masses of sheep to the fact that culture, heritage, custom, history of a people is not for sale or manipulation can we show the world that racial preservation is the right of all people not just all non white people. The sooner the world wakes up to the fact that just as we want to "Save Tibet" and save the "Polar Bear" and the "Seal" we also want to preserve our own people and our own way of life.

Its that message we need to stay on course and fight tooth and nail for, its that ideology that outweighs all the stupid idiology. Its truth that outweighs fiction and half truths and it is always the truth that prevails over falsehoods.

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