Wednesday, March 09, 2011

The Memory of 100 Million valued at £50

This item is used by Muslims. It is a pocket compass with keychain, high precision and portable item. The direction of mecca can be found using this.

 This is a small replica of Torah Scroll decorated with the views of the Old City of Jerusalem

 This is a Key Chain belonging to the Buddhist Faith
None of these items are religious artifacts or precious, they can all be purchased on sites like Ebay for about £2.50, the Torah key chain is most likely a little more expensive.

But they hold value to people who celebrate and practice those faiths, they have meaning to those who purchase them and if they happened to lose or break this item I am sure they would feel some kind of upset.

If someone took this item from them and destroyed it on purpose they would most certainly be angered by such actions, but more to the point if I took one of these items from someone following one of these faiths and I broke it publicly what would happen to me?

Would I be hit with a Racist charge, some kind of incitement? Or hatred toward a religious group?

Or would I be treated with the equal punishment given to the ANIMAL who decided to take the symbol of 100 Million Dead Europeans and burn it? Would they just give me a £50 fine and let me walk out of court with just that? I doubt that very much, and I don't think I am willing to put it to the test just to prove my point.

I don't happen to have £50 I can just throw away and in all reality burning these symbols would be of no interest to me, they represent something that matters to certain racial and religious groups and those racial and religious groups. (In their rightful homelands) have the right to practice any faith they wish without any interference from me!

I would want to know how a Judge can truly give such a fine when as my close comrade said today. He knows of people who received £30 pound more than that in fines for being sick in the street after a night out and a few too many beers. So vomiting in the street is worse and more offensive to the nation than burning the symbol that represents 100 million dead men, women and children?

More to the point, any educated well informed Muslim would be aware that the war was put together by the very same power that has imprisoned much of their own people in the middle east. Those 100 million died just as your people now die in wars created by the very same power structure. You took your message to the wrong place, it wasn't and isn't the British people you have to get your message across to it is those pulling the strings of war. Those 100 million souls that you decided to spit on died for the very same freedom that you see your people trying to regain in the Middle East today.

It sickens me to think we have people living amongst us who would spit on the memory of the fallen in this way, and it sickens me further to think that we have judges that can be considered skilled in their job when they can let insult toward 100 million dead and a continent of living ancestors go unchallenged like this.

The Muslim war with the Zionist agenda should never have been our fight to fight, but the immigration and destruction of our heritage and culture has made it that way and now the choice is go under or stand and defend. Just as the mass European wars of the past should never have been fought but they were and 100 million died for absolutely no freedom and democracy what so ever. Every single one of those men, women and children died just as now millions of Muslims die for the elite to prosper.

You are right when you say the war shouldn't be happening, and many agree with you but the fact still remains that if you truly have a passion for your people then you stay in the lands of your people and you defend it. If this policy was carried out by Muslims then they would all be in the middle east fighting their true defensive lines instead of biting the bait and letting Zionism control two groups of people in order to cripple and enslave both of them.

Do not claim injustice and scream for change from the safety of our land, have a back bone and go home and fight for your true principles. No Nationalist or patriot would hold that against you. Unless of course they believe that Israel was "A land without a people for a people without a land" which of course is LIES

When you allow yourself to be used as bait, and when the British nation can no longer tolerate your alien culture within our land we will have no choice but to defend, then we know what will happen. The police and system will round up the most outspoken and brave of both sides and jail them in order to advance their hate laws and free speech restrictions. Islam has its fight in the Middle East but if your willing to burn our symbols and bring the fight to the ordinary British man, woman and child who has never supported this Zionist Occupied Middle East then you will leave no choice but for us to exercise our rights to defend what is ours and that is this land, this heritage and the remembrance each and every year for those who gave their lives.

When you burn our poppy, you may aswell be setting alight to our family in front of our eyes because that poppy represented a brave man who stood shoulder to shoulder with his brothers and fought until death. Wrong or Right side of politics doesn't matter. What matters is when it came down to it the only men that mattered was those who you fought with and that in itself is the act of bravery.

All the £50 notes in the world cannot give this nation men or leaders of that caliber today. They can try and buy the power of a nation and often they shall succeed but respect and honour they can never buy from real people and burning my symbol, or leading my race and nation to slaughter will never make a man a hero in my eyes but simply a monster!

Lest We Forget Them! We Will Remember Them!

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