Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What we are, what we are NOT

We are nationalists this is true, and will remain true for all time. Because for any man or woman to become nationless is a tragedy. We have homelands and various cultures, traditions throughout our continent of Europe.

One thing we don't have is a grasp on the common threat we all face as a continent and this is to blame on those who tried to push forward the "ultra nationalist" doctrine. The idea that made us close the doors on issues across Europe and concentrate only on internal affairs.

We done this, as many other European nations did not because we gave up caring about Europe and her heritage & culture but because the Zionist control over Europe made sure we all suffered, banks collapsed in order to create chaos and to make sure Europe could not and would not stand united in its fight and struggle for survival. When Darwin said "Survival Of The Fittest" he sparked an idea within the enemy that you could use this method in large scale continental decline, you could exploit a region and destabilize them financially and morally.

That's what we live in today, that is the Europe that is being built by the tyrants in control, and that is the Europe that we must reject. I see other European nations standing up and taking notice of the dangers Zionism poses to their future survival. in Romania, in Serbia, in Russia we see White People standing up and saying "this is not fair" "we cannot take this anymore" "we have to do something"

We are in the same boat with our kinsmen in Russia, Serbia and all over Europe. We are held hostage, we have to do as they say, when they say it. We have to keep our head down and get by with what we have. Well we deserve more than what they offer us, we built Europe, the Zionists did not build Europe, the people of Africa did not build Europe, the people of the Middle east did not build Europe. Our forefathers built this continent from the ground up, they made every cobble road, every footpath into every town and village, they laid the foundations of our legacy and in just 70 years since world war two the influx of other cultures has been too overwhelming. This is no longer a myth that the media can hide by calling us all "Racists" or "Nazis" the experiment has failed, the continent is bursting at the seams and the people who have rightful passage are getting frustrated to say the least.

Now if you look around at others conflicts and hard times, you see that they cannot take any more, they have to act to gain attention, they have to react to the situation with a response that makes those in control take notice. We the "people" have the power and while the elite will try their best to laugh that off that is the "Fact" we have the final say, we have control we have always had the control, its just that those who hijacked control have built their defenses up and now have the law enforcement on their side rather than upholding real law of the land which is to protect the people. If the police intend to protect me as a citizen of this nation then I would ask them to arrest those who are lying, cheating, stealing, raping this land of all that she is worth. I would ask the police to consider Tony Blair be prosecuted for war crimes and treason.

We have a voice and we shall use it, Serbia should be an example to those who don't yet see Zionism as a threat to Europe. This small European nation had its land stolen by the Zionist agenda and their wealth which can be found mainly in the Trepca Mining Industry has been eaten alive by those who want the wealth and would rather steal it, give it to kosovo and deal with them to buy it and trade it.

We don't have to remain in the background, we have the right to make decisions, we live here we love here and we intend to stay here. this continent is beautiful, it is ours and it isn't for sale. Not at the highest rate and not for all the gold coins or sheckles on earth.

We are true Nationalists, we defend our land and we guard it from the enemy. that is our duty, no law of the land can truly look a patriot in the face and tell him he breaks the law by defending his land from invaders or deviants. It would surely be looked upon by kings of ancient times as loyalty to your land to defend it, we would have been rewarded. Which reveals to us a darker secret. That those who have power don't want us to defend the land, they in some way have more to gain from her destruction.

We however have nothing to gain from defeat and everything to gain from victory. We must take this opportunity and use this to make head ways, they can call us the "people who brainwash kids into hatred" or they can claim "we are vile evil people" what we are is the saviors of our people and our land, the land we love. The land our fathers and their fathers loved, and the land we must continue to defend if we are to have children, grandchildren, great grandchildren who can say "this is a land they love also"

Thanks For Reading

Knowledge Is Power

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