Monday, December 20, 2010

Knowledge Is Power - Power Is Young National Front!

Tall Man Crying
One day on this meaningless
Journey through life
I met a tall man crying.
I asked him why a strong man wept.
He said his race was dying.

And a tear fell, ' though he told it well,
For none would pause to consider his cause.

He spoke of scorn and apathy
From family and wife,
And how his friends deserted him
When he told the law of life.

And a tear fell, ' though he told it well,
For none would pause to consider his cause.

He spoke of White men from the past
With courage beyond measure,
And how this selfish generation
Sells their race for pleasure.

And a tear fell, ' though he told it well,
For none would pause to consider his cause.

Then he spoke of little ones,
The children who are White
Soon slaughtered by an alien horde
Because their parents would not fight.

And a tear fell, ' though he told it well,
For none would pause to consider his cause.

Then his long body shook
And his big heart broke
And the tears on his cheeks did glisten.
And the last words that he ever spoke:
"My people would not listen."
And a tear fell, ' though he told it well,
For none would pause to consider his cause.
David Eden Lane
November 2, 1938 – May 28, 2007

We are not sheep, we are not slaves and we are most certainly not going to sit back and watch this nation rot. The current system is working against us and it will not stop until it has placed our entire nation in shackles. The enemy believes itself to be unstoppable but time and time again it is "us little people" who have the final say.

It is not the elite few who make this nation great, but it is the elite few who benefit from our blood sweat and tears. The elite have manufactured war after war, conflict after conflict. "Shock Doctrine" designed to make us uncapable of making our own decisions and instead sitting back and letting the tyrants controlling our governments take control of us. They decide what you think, what you feel, their media is designed to keep you occupied with meaningless programmes so that they can push through laws that harm your childrens future, bills that take away more of your liberty. Eastenders and Coronation Street have become reality to households up and down the country. The real reality that we are being used and abused by the very people we give power to is being ignored and that ignorance has to be addressed.

The poetry belonging to the man above tells the tale of one mans agony, an agony and pain so deep that he tried to share the weight of the pain by asking others to see what he saw and feel what he felt. In the end the moral has to be that one man or woman alone cannot save our race, one man or woman alone cannot take on the current global powers. One man and one idea however can change the world as we have seen many times in history. Sometimes history is changed for the better and other times history is changed for the worse but putting aside outcome history can and has been changed by just one mind that had an idea. First an idea in one single mind, a private thought. That soon becomes an idea that eats away at you until you have to share the pressure by sharing the idea. You then baffle and amaze another with your idea and they insist that it becomes known by others so that this idea can grow. When the idea is discussed with a few and those are in agreement then you have the birth of a plan.

I have had this same idea rolling around in my head for some years, I have shared it with the one trustworthy person who said it had to be shared with others, those others stood with me from 2006-2009 to begin putting this idea in to practice and during this time we started to build on direct action involving patriots from all across Europe. During 2010 something interupted my idea, something came along that at first appeared to be a good idea. The English Defence League. It quickly became clear that what was displayed as a English Patriotic Movement quickly showed itself to be a "piped piper mossad style movement" the "one policy" English Defence League quickly became involved in anything and everything that involved the state of Israel. The proud and angry British kinsmen began to support the enemy so as to offend and anger another enemy. The war we have on Britains streets with Muslims today can be blamed on one thing and one thing alone and that is the fact that the current British government openly supports Israel in its killing of the people in Palestine. The current British government instead of speaking out against Israels countless war crimes continues to send them aid and food and finance while helping to block food that is being sent in to children and mothers.

Now tell me if I am imagining this but we give aid to just about every country on the earth that needs it? And half the nations we feed hate us? But we give it none the less because we are caring, stupid your choice which you prefer.
So why do we go out of our way to block food getting to one place on the earth? I will tell you why, because Israel tell us, yes thats right they TELL us that we must if we are to keep relations with the British Jews on good terms.
So during 2010 I have had my most silent year of my life, I haven't been during the usual gatherings out in the open, I have instead been working closely only with the regular contacts I have made over the years and all are in agreement that the policy of the EDL needs to be exposed as a lie, and all those brave youth standing with Tommy need to know that he is lying when he tells them that they have something to gain from the friendship of Israel.

I will challenge those youth tangled up with Tommy Robinson to give the National Front 4 weeks of their time, and have their eyes open to the facts. Read the protocols of zion, read the countless articles that describe how Britain signed a document giving the Jews a land that already belonged to the Arabs. Read about the war crimes commited by Israel, read the statements from rabbis claiming they would see Rome wiped out before they saw Israel destroyed. Read how Jews in Israel are now trying to sign a law that says Jews must only rent and sell houses to other Jews. All this while we can't say whites only houses, whites only schools. "One law for them, another one for us"

The facts about Israel are there for all to see. If this nation did not support Israel then we would see a radical change in our current social conditions. If we refused to recognize  Israel as a state and instead treated them as the media promote us to treat hamas we may well see the truth begin to appear. War profits those in control of the banks and those who make a living out of other peoples misery. It doesn't matter to the tyrants if the world ever has a single day of peice so long as they never have a single day where they dont make a profit.

It has enraged so many people that I know to see a new face come out and be able to manipulate so many of our young. Here we have someone who has no credit, no previous glory days to show to anyone. Someone who just seems to have woken up one day and decided he was a patriot. No. What we actually have is much more dangerous. Its like manchurian candidate. Tommy doesn't quite know how to say no now, he has been turned into a tool and those around him on a daily basis know that Tommy is in his position because someone or a group of people insisted that it be him that leads, it has to appear as though a genuine young white lad has decided to take the English fight forward. But Tommy the big problem here is that nobody has a clue who or what you really stand for. All we really know is that you really hate Nazis, you really hate Anti Racists, you really really hate Muslims and you really really really support the state of Israel. So where does your pride for England come into all this Tommy? I don't hear you very often stood up on your platform sounding like the Oswald Mosley of our day, I don't hear echoes of Tyndall when I hear your words. Instead I hear something that echoes the words of the Israeli politicians who stand in front of cameras and claim that their officers did not see the giant red cross on top of medical trucks.

Unfortunatly Tommy you had one idea, but as you discussed it with people that obviously could not be trusted to guide you they began to put more and more ideas forward. eventually your one policy idea became a war with the entire political spectrum. Or should I say that you war was waged against every movement that is politically shunned. Nazis hate you (if anyone really still considers themselves a nazi today that is) lefties hate you but hey... don't feel bad them morons hate everybody. The Muslims hate you and the National Front? ? No. We certainly don't hate you Tommy, we see right through you, its like looking through glass. You have one agenda and one agenda only and that is to destroy the last brave bulldogs of this nation. The brave youth of this nation will stand proud and they will stand defiant against the enemy, and it is the promise of the National Front that our youth will be woken up to the facts about the enemy. They will see the deception, and the lies, and the murder and they will understand why they must stand with the National Front because unlike Tommy and his mysterious history the National Front can certainly account for our whereabouts during history. We have been at the front, defending this nation. Sometimes there are tens of thousands and after much work from the ZOG those numbers fell to hundreds and sometimes only handfuls, but even when it was a handful those handful were again at the front, fighting from the front. All leading together shoulder to shoulder.

We will march by the thousands and we will stand shoulder to shoulder. Not for Islam and certainly not for Israel, but for Britain for freedom and for the 14 words.

Thanks For Reading, Videos attached are related to discussion. "Open Your Eyes" The truth is right in front of you.

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