Sunday, February 20, 2011

Israel - Founded by and living on Terror!

The following is a brilliant article written by Ted Pike.

Zionist-dominated mainstream media vividly portrays Israel as a tiny embattled nation seeking peace in a sea of Arab hostility. 1 Arabs, we are told, commit acts of terror while Israel only resorts to violence out of self-protection. The facts of history paint a very different picture.

Far from deploring terror, Israel has sanctioned terror to seize and expand its territory since its beginnings. In 1944, Zionist leaders in Israel faced two alternatives. They could continue to allow the British and Arabs to occupy Palestine, who would continue to pressure Israel to concede a Palestinian state. Or they could drive both British and Arabs out. Israelis chose the latter.

Members of the Zionist ruling elite and their clandestine terrorist enforcers - the Jewish Agency, Hagana, Irgun and the Stern Gang - began to exert every possible terrorist means to dominate Palestine. Their strategy was simple: the more respectable Zionist establishment would take the "high road" and officially disavow terrorism.

Meanwhile, Zionist terrorists would commit any crime needed to disrupt British occupation and to panic Arabs into flight. The Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem, available in most university libraries, documents from British records more than five hundred violent or terrorist incidents against Palestinians and the British occupation between 1939 and 1948. These included bombings, booby traps and landmines, kidnappings and torture of prisoners, bank robberies, murders of Arabs, and assassinations of police and British officials. 2

Chief terrorists were David Ben-Gurion, Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir and later, Ariel Sharon. Begin headed Irgun, and Shamir led the Stern Gang. They cooperated intimately with the highest political body of the Zionist establishment, the Jewish Agency, and the popular Zionist resistance army, Hagana. Ben-Gurion headed Hagana and later the Jewish Agency. 3

After 1944 - when Ben-Gurion formally rejected the British plan for partition of Palestine into Jewish/Arab states - most Israelis, particularly the young, favored expulsion of British and Arabs.

Here is the short list of Zionist atrocities from 1944 to the present:


Assassination of Lord Moyne on November 6, 1944.

Under orders from Yitzhak Shamir, terrorists of the Stern Gang shot Lord Moyne, British resident minister. Purpose: To drive the British from Palestine.


The King David massacre, July 22, 1946.

Begin's Irgun terrorists, with encouragement from Ben-Gurion's Hagana, blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, murdering 92. Purpose: Destroy British records that proved the highest members of the Zionist government backed anti-British terrorism. 4


British sergeants hanged, July 12, 1947.

Begin, Shamir, and Haganah authorized kidnapping and hanging of two British sergeants, booby trapping their bodies and mining the area. During this time, Shamir sent many letters and package bombs to British officials. 1947 also included multiple cases of kidnappings (including brutal floggings of British soldiers) by Jewish terrorists.


The Semiramis Hotel massacre, January 5, 1948.

Jewish Agency leader David Ben-Gurion and Haganah leaders blew up the Seramis Hotel in Jerusalem, killing 20 and wounding 17. Purpose: Terrorize Arabs into fleeing Israel. 5


Deir Yassin massacre, April 9, 1948.

Begin's Irgun soldiers killed 250 sleeping Arab villagers at Deir Yassin, a suburb of Jerusalem.


"25 pregnant women were bayoneted in their abdomens while still alive. 52 children were maimed under the eyes of their mothers and then were slain and their heads cut off." 6

"Menachem Begin, the leader of the Irgun gang, himself admitted on December 28, 1950 in a press interview in New York, that the Deir Yassin incident had been carried out in accordance with an agreement between the Irgun and the Jewish Agency and Haganah." 7

Begin was always proud of what he had done, considering Deir Yassin a legitimate military target. Irgun trucks drove throughout Judea, announcing by loudspeaker to hundreds of thousands of Arabs that unless they fled Israel they would meet the same fate. Deir Yassin and subsequent terrorist acts precipitated flight of more than 800,000 Arabs from Palestine. In town after town Zionist soldiers drove Palestinians out, usually killing any person who delayed or attempted to take any possessions with them. Arab towns were bulldozed, replaced with Jewish communities. 8

Begin comments on the level of Palestinian terror generated by Irgun's massacre at Deir Yassin.


"Out of evil, however, good came. This Arab propaganda spread a legend of terror amongst Arabs and Arab troops, who were seized with panic at the mention of Irgun soldiers. The legend was worth a dozen battalions to the forces of Israel." 9

Israel exiled these unfortunates to concentration camps in Lebanon, the West Bank, and Gaza, refusing to allow them repossession of their land and property or adequate compensation. 10 This is the seminal cause of international Arab terrorism and the Mid-East conflict that rages today.


Assassination of UN mediator Count Folke Bernadotte, September 17, 1948.

This killing by the Stern Gang was on orders of Shamir. Purpose: To sabotage UN efforts to create a Palestinian state.


Massacre at Dawayma, October 29, 1948.

Israeli soldiers killed between 80 and 100 men, women, and children in Dawayma, a suburb of Haifa. Purpose: Intensify terror generated by Deir Yassin and compel the remaining Palestinians to leave Israel. 11


Massacre at Kibya, October 14, 1953.

In an atrocity condoned by the highest levels of the Israeli government and military, Ariel Sharon led 700 crack paratroopers to attack the Jordanian town of Kibya. They slaughtered 75 innocent men, women, and children primarily by locking families in their homes and blowing them up. 12 Purpose: Collective punishment to avenge the alleged killing of a single Jewish family.


Massacre of Kafr Kassim, October 29, 1956.

51 men, women, and children were murdered by Israeli troops as they returned to their villages in the evening after work. 13 more were severely wounded by the gunfire. Purpose: Terrorize Palestinians into not siding with Egypt in case of war. 13


Massacre of USS Liberty, June 8, 1967.

Israel's jet fighters and torpedo boats repeatedly attempted to sink US intelligence monitoring vessel USS Liberty during the 1967 Israel/Egypt war. They killed 34 and wounded 171 American sailors. Purpose: Minister of Defense Moshe Dayan ordered the attack ostensibly to protect Israel's intelligence communications, even though the war was virtually over. 14


Libyan airliner massacre, February 21, 1973.

Straying over Israeli-controlled Sinai air space, a Libyan 727 commercial airliner was intercepted by Israeli fighters and, despite the clearest identification, shot down, killing 106. Purpose: Flexing Zionist power against Libya. 15


Massacre in Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, Beirut, Lebanon, September 23, 1982.

Gen. Ariel Sharon and Yitshak Shamir, in cooperation with "Christian" Phalangist forces sealed all exits and provided aerial flares, illuminating the slaughter of up to 2750 men, women, and children, according to a body count by the committee of the Red Cross. Purpose: collective punishment of Palestinians. 16

What About Arab Terrorism?

It was inevitable that Zionism's threatened and actual expulsion of Arabs from land the Arabs occupied from the seventh century should incur hostility ­ even terrorism. Jews of Hebron were massacred by Arabs in 1929. The Arab revolt in Palestine beginning in 1936 resulted in acts of violence against many Jews, followed by anti-Jewish mistreatment during the 1948 war. Suicide bombings and rocket attacks continue against Israel in recent years.

Who is most at fault?

Consider this: If someone, claiming divine right to occupy your house and land, drives you from them, condemning you and your children to a distant, arid concentration camp for generations, would you resort to violence?

There is only one word that describes the one who displaced you. Aggressor. The Palestinians, fanatical and terrorist as many have become, are nevertheless defenders of ancient rights and territories that have been horrifically violated.

They are victims hitting back.


I think while reading this two things, one I remember that I am a racialist and that invaders of my land for me cannot be tolerated. The survival of my heritage and culture and race are of paramount importance to me.

I also believe that the truth is the only way we can truly set ourselves free and when I consider the "Palestinian Question" It is obvious to me that Palestine was and is a land that belongs to Arabs, the culture built up over generations is Arab and the land and resources on that land therefore belong only to the Palestinians.

I cannot claim the right to my free land and free race and nation and at the same time ignore the right of another to what is rightfully his. Just as I cannot claim to love my race while trying to deny that other races exist. Other races do of course exist and it is only the media image that tries to paint us as uneducated that tries to pretend we do not recognize other races on the earth.

We as Racialists/Nationalists or what ever label your happy to carry have always understood that races existed. While the control tried to silence debate on race the white race was looking extensively at racial difference and making much sense of it. When we tried to point out out findings many years ago it simply did not suit the agenda of the "Elite" to reveal this information. It was viewed more dangerous than Darwins theory of evolution. For racial difference to be shown meant that people would quickly notice these differences and the whole idea of a "multi racial utopia" would fall at the first hurdle.

I have been racially aware for more than 10 years, and I was a Nationalist for about 2 years before I had what I consider my racial awakening. I will always carry pride in my nation and I shall always consider my nation sacred to me. But in all honesty my racial pride doesn't except boundaries on a political level. I don't see a line on a map between myself and my comrades in Scotland and I don't consider my Brothers in Serbia or Romania to be distant alien people. They are my kinsman, they are my relatives and my family. They are the same line of warriors and poets that have left a mark across this entire continent of Europe. European people to me all folk.

As I am able to clearly see the creation of Europe at the hands of my folk I can also clearly see a culture and faith and way of life in Palestine that belongs solely to the people who carved that culture and legacy over many generations. I don't have to confuse the Palestine fight for freedom with what is going on here at home because for me a "Nationalist or Racialist" must defend his own culture and heritage only. The Muslim I see standing on the streets of Britain demanding his way and his rights is neither a nationalist or a racialist because if he was he would take himself from a land his culture has no place in and he would defend his people and their culture from the enemy that invades them.

I would make the assumption that in order to be a Muslim "Patriot" you MUST defend the lands of your culture and people and that land is many miles from Bradford or Oldham.

So I consider a man in his land with his people no threat to my race, unless of course we speak about resources on the earth but again this is a complex discussion which gets into greed and production for greed and the fact that we as Europeans can well and truly preserve ALL that we use and have to last us for all times.

The rate at which we use stuff now is solely down to business and much of what we bottle, package and shelf simply expires and is disposed of.

So supporting Palestine with vocal support for me isn't hard in the slightest. If someone within the white struggle asked me tomorrow if I supported the cause of Palestine I will gladly admit that support. But let me make something clear my support goes no further than vocal support. I have no intention of fighting for another culture, I have no ambition to defend anyone but my fellow kinsman and his family. Palestine requires the support of the kinsman of those lands and I believe that only true Patriotism can be claimed by those who stick around to fight the battle of survival.

A British nationalist for example who spends countless hours talking about the dangers of multicultural Britain and demands that his fellow man stand up and defend the land from hordes of enemies... from his laptop in his bedroom in Australia has no backbone and certainly no right to claim a pride or a passion because he has already abandoned ship and left others to drown. Just as an Australian talking the same revolutionary needs for Australia from his beach house in Thailand would have no validity to his fight.

A Palestinian refugee living in the UK chanting his rights and religion on the streets of Britain is surely two faced to say the least. They claim that the people in the lands suffer and they claim that they are appalled by this hatred but they remain at home in Northern England and live a western lifestyle. They have in many ways left behind their true identity and replaced it for an identity they claim destroys the values of life. You can't raise the banner of Palestine while standing on the streets of London. Your impact will be zero. The Zionists in control of the British government will NOT listen to the call of Palestine but the change that approaches Europe WILL give the land back to the rightful people and I hope that in years to come Britain will withdraw her recognition for the state of Israel and this will in turn secure our land from the threat of Islamic extremism.

I do NOT want and will NEVER EXCEPT an Islamic state anywhere in Europe, just the same I do not want an unstable middle east and truly wish that European Zionism would quickly be crushed so that European - Middle East trade could be settled just as it should have been prior to World war 2. I do NOT support European Islam and actually consider ALL European Muslims to be doing to upmost damage to their own lands and allowing a brutal regime to imprison their people while they sit in homes in North England living western lives day by day only to occasionally protest for Palestinian rights.

Where I come from you prove your loyalty to your people and culture by standing shoulder to shoulder with them through the bad times and the good.

The Muslims in Europe are most certainly NOT shoulder to Shoulder with their comrades and are instead playing into the Zionist hands and angering a European peoples that have shown Islam in the past what happens in conflict with our people.

I consider pride in your people a natural gift from birth, its not something you need to learn, or at least it wasn't something we had to learn until the Zionist agenda decided that removal of national and racial identity had many positives including making man more easy to control. If we had no race, no identity, no history, no culture, no legacy then we had nothing to be proud of and above all else we had nothing to fight to survive. This huge empty void is basic the end of this ideology that today literally controls all people of all the world other than the few far off tribes in places like the Arctic who although suffer harsh realities of survival are truly free human beings in every sense of the word. (Sometimes the thought of being with a select few of my kinsmen alone in the wilderness away from all influence that has corrupted and destroyed the fabric and moral of my race seems like an oppotunity I would snap up in a heart beat.

Muslims holding up the "Islam, Future Of Britain" signs have played into Zionist hands and now the EDL is trying to feed our youth out of the other Zionist hand.

I end with a saying that comes to mind and I say this equally to both Muslims and my own Kinsman. They say you should never bite off the hand that feeds you, but what if they hand is feeding you poison?

Thanks for reading....

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