Sunday, January 23, 2011

Survival Of The Fittest? No Survival Of The Richest!

Many people may read this and think I am a lunatic and never speak to me again.
Others may agree with elements of what I have to say but disagree with others.
Others may think I am being too positive and things are going to get much much worse.

The idea of this post is to give you a heads up on what to expect from Political and Religious fallout in the coming years. I'm not talking about 2012 disaster scenarios here I am talking about real possible threats from either our own governments inability to manage world affairs or from an outside power who see's our demise as their salvation.

Here are just a few examples of things that could well happen in the coming years, its simply up to you to decide which event may or may not sound possible.

1. The middle east war leads to a rise of attacks from Muslims within Europe, this leads to a mass civil war type event in Europe which would not only devastate what is left of our race but also would seriously damage European industry, finance and our social structure.

2. America in a move of desperation (uncontrollable debt) could well become a tyrant. Europe could make the wrong choice in ally and find itself in the middle of a "Super Power" struggle between America/China and maybe Russia which would leave us as microscopic bits of rubble floating in the ocean. Look at a map and you will see that unlike the rest of Europe Britain really sits alone, surrounded by sea which would make invasion of our land with modern military a cake walk. We are NOT the giant empire of yesterday, we are Americas prostitute and Israel is the pimp. Not meant to ruffle the feathers of my readers, simply the truth which anyone watching power politics closely since the 2 world wars would see clearly.

3. America loses its position as the global currency, we start to use a world currency which was suggested back in the mid 40's. (Bangor) is the currency that was suggested by Britain after the war and the idea was ignored. Today however the debt in America is IMPOSSIBLE to pay. It can NEVER be paid and in fact the interest on that debt is IMPOSSIBLE to ever pay. Let me show you what I mean with this model.

I want you to Google an image of the Empire State building .... okay okay I'll do it for you.

Now Lets go back to Americas debt, this image shows you Americas "Interest debt" compared to the size of the image above. You must realize that the money is stacked up not in notes but in pennies. That is important to realize, what you see here is Americas debt in coinage which in the event of global financial collapse would be the only currency worth anything anyway. Paper money becomes null and void. Just ask Zimbabwe or Germany.

Okay now lets look at the debt as a whole, if the first debt image wasn't enough maybe you can understand why I am warning that America may well turn on nations to get out of debt or to simply take resources etc to pay their debts. I hope your ready for this....

So that is a few scenarios that I want people to consider. Maybe you can think (as can I ) of hundreds more scenarios that may cause us to face "Hard Times". The main reason for this article in the first place is because I fear that most of our Nationalists have no clue just how big the problems are. Its not just simply operating on the "Race" level and killing us. It is literally taking control of the globe to the point that if we have a nuclear war any time in our life the governments will seal of the roads, water ways, airports and they will have us locked into our towns and cities. Our family that in another part of the country or on the other side of the world will be unreachable for us by land, sea or air, most likely also by law. With motorways all blocked off by army personnel and security forces we shall literally become sitting ducks.

Imagine the horror of world war 2, the tales I heard from my own grandmother as a child gave me shivers. Children evacuated, hiding beneath bunkers for hours sometimes even days waiting until the bombs stop falling. Well imagine for a moment the tales that would be told from world war 3, the bombs we had compared to the bombs we have. The weapons they used then compared to the weapons they would use now in the event of a world war. Chemical agents, Biological agents, radioactive materials all just a few examples of genocide on what I can only describe as "Biblical Proportions" single bombs that can deliver 100 Dresden or 100 Hiroshima. Chemicals that can make the land uninhabitable for 2-5 years, agents that could pollute our entire water supply and do serious damage to the ocean itself.

What ever the scenario might be, I never take it for granted that it could well be a scenario I didn't expect... Lets invent one that sounds less likely.

France continues to grow as the largest Jewish/Muslim population in Europe and internal issues build within the next 30 years. The fact is that within 20 years a large percentage of men of voting age or parliament age will be Muslim. Across the water just 27 miles is us. So a nation that today is on our side could well be controlled politically and religiously by a non European race and we could be in for big trouble.

Any of these scenarios is physically possible, any of these scenarios could technically happen tomorrow but the big problem we face is because it hasn't happened yet it seems to far fetched that it ever will and so we don't even worry in the slightest about any of it. We know politics inside this nation is ruled top to bottom by the Zionist agenda, it has been ever since Rothschild had knowledge of the fact that Wellington had beaten Napoleon at war and managed to get a lie into the stocks that we had lost. This happened 20 hours before the truth reached London and buy that time Rothschild had taken 95% control of all of Britains wealth!

If you didn't know that, doubt that, dispute that you can click various links that I will try and always include when I make an accusation against ANYONE!

So if even 1 of these scenarios occur, what can we do and where can we go?
Bunkers DO exist in the UK but as the newspapers recently wrote.
The order of importance goes, politicians, media and then people with high skills. Why the media went before the historians and architects is very clear to me but may baffle some of the readers. Well the media control the people much more today than governments do. Really. I mean take Tony Blair for a major example. Who painted him as our Saviour? The media did. Who gave us the image of a broken man and a broken party and told us the man in blue (Cameron) was now the savior? The Media! Never under estimate the power they have. Oh and if your keen to know anything about the media and the control you can check some links that I will add or you can look into Murdoch and a few others for yourselves.

So where are you going when the bombs fall? Have you thought about writing to you local MP and asking him. "In the event of a attack on large enough scale within our nation, where do you intend to take us to keep us safe"

I'd love some replies if anyone bothers to do this.
The rich will have a few places to go, but money is the last concern to those running the show. They can come out of hiding in 2-5 years and invent a new currency. They can invent the new illusion and make more material things that people don't really need but will crave for.

You, me, our families! Where are we going if or when the bombs fall? Power grids go. Electricity GONE! Fridge, freezer, washing machine boiler tank, lights GONE
Elderly on breathing machines DEAD Hospitals unable to keep patients alive because there is no Electricity. Did we think of this as much as we should have? NO and it's not our fault. We have had a race to defend, we have had debt on personal level, we have had social and family break down to try and fix. We have had just about every diversion thrown at us so that the most evil people on this earth could covertly plan to control us.

My race, my people are my only concern and that is something no screaming lefty can come and convince me should change. I believe whole heartedly that if Race mixing and the clashing of hundreds of faiths had not been forced on the world that the UK, Europe and white nations would be living in much more peace than we see. I also am sure that the majority of "Racialists" would agree that had we had understanding of other cultures rather than being overwhelmed with them in our own lands "Racism" as seen by the media would not exist.

I could go to Japan for 4 weeks, eat their food, drink their drinks, study them dancing, learn a few words to say thanks for service of food or good evening at the end of an event. Then 4 weeks later I can leave and return home to my way of life, my culture, my food, my music etc. I haven't damaged the Japanese culture and they haven't damaged mine. Thats an understanding of "Racialism" rather than the media image of "Racism"

Many proud cultures and people understand the dangers of this experiment that was masterminded by the few tyrants. Those few who have seen through the whole agenda most certainly do not have a place in the bunker that is for sure. Those who still have any pride in their own are seen as failed projects by the elite. Every nationalist on this earth is a failure in the yes of the elite. We were supposed to be tricked, manipulated and finally forced into excepting ANYTHING they propose and we succeed, they failed!

So we should consider ourselves the last of the proud, but at the same time need to quickly realize that if and when they close the borders, motorways, airports. If they force a world war they won't leave you or me on the street. If they can they will round up us and our families and consider us prisoners of war. We cannot survive above ground if war comes because the snakes and cowards underground fear we might build a small yet civilized life up here with just the few. They can't have that, and so we should begin asking ourselves if we have thought any of this through as Brits. We have Windermere mountains, Sherwood forest, new forest and very few other pastures left. We live surrounded by concrete. Robin hood knew how to hide, but consider how vast the forest was in those times. He didn't have to run through the back garden of Leroy the crack dealer or Jamal the Muslim militant extremist to evade the tax man.

I want to continue to cover this issue, so please look at the second part which I will follow up from this and please don't think just because we are safe and sound now, that it will be that way for ever. This very blog, the very tool of the internet is connected to the same power grids. One bomb from the enemy, one nuclear war head and all this goes off

Part 1 of 3

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