Its official... Again. Osama Bin Laden is dead. Again.. Early hours of this morning the mainstream media announced that Osama bin laden had been killed. He was apparently whorled up in a two-story house 100 yards from a Pakistani military academy in Abbottabad when four helicopters carrying U.S. anti-terror forces swooped in the early morning hours of Monday and killed him.
So just to make sure people are not to confused about who the good guys are and who the bad guys are lets have a little rundown of past events and past alliances and see who we can now call allies and who remains as the so called "axis of evil" I am going to start with December 1979, when Russian forces mounted a surprise intervention in Afghanistan. Fighting between CIA-funded Afghans and the Russians with their Khalq allies continued through 1988.
The CIA ended its aid in 1992, the Russians sometime later, and the pro-Russian government in Kabul fell. In the final stages of that struggle the Taliban began to emerge as a major force in Afghan politics and it subsequently drove the Northern Alliance from Kabul, confining the remnants of the original rebel alliance to a small enclave in the north-eastern part of the country. Osama bin Laden, though getting his start in the CIA-funded war of the 1970s and 80s, did not become a prominent fugitive in Afghanistan until he returned to the country as the Taliban's guest in 1996.
So it would seem that America helped to build up the Taliban and many people would agree that it begins with Bin Laden and the Mujahideen and then Al Qaeda arises out of the Soviet Occupation of Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden then goes on to become the prime financier for an organization that recruited Muslims from mosques around the world. These "Afghan Arab" mujahideen numbered in the thousands and would later to go on to become loyal members of the fighting force that fought the current conflict we see in Afghanistan today.
Now its important that people look into all of this movement for themselves because when you look into this carefully you will see that not only did America support Bin Laden and the Mujahideen in their fight against Russia but the weapons, training, skills and everything that we fight in those Afghan mountains today was put together by a force hidden within the shadows of the American government.
To put it more bluntly Bin Laden was trained, funded and put forward by the Elders as the "Face or Terror" Take into account that In February, 2004, Iranian state radio claimed Osama bin Laden had been captured in Pakistan’s border region with Afghanistan “a long time ago. Or consider that a Taliban leader told the Pakistan Observer on December 21, 2002, that Bin Laden was suffering from a serious lung complication and died in mid-December, in the vicinity of the Tora Bora mountains.
Or that a high-level Council on Foreign Relations member stated that Osama Bin Laden had died of kidney failure in early 2002. Or that during the 2004 election, CNN reported that Democratic insiders had been told that George W. Bush was going to use the Bin Laden body as an ace-in-the-hole if he thought he was in danger of losing the 2004 election.
So did he die in 2002? Did all the Arab nations have the wrong info but the Americans had the facts? Can it be that echoes throughout the Arab world would not have been as clear and reliable as western intelligence and if this is so then why?
Surely the only way western powers can know more about the whereabouts of Bin Laden is if they have him held up somewhere which of course is another well sourced theory on him. It was said that during the attacks on NYC September 11th 2001 that Bin Laden was in fact held in a USA hospital and was being closely guarded by US Intelligence.
To look at the news today and see Americans jumping for joy at this lie makes me feel sick to the very pit of my stomach. It shows a nation so overwhelmed with corruption and mind manipulation that its hard to see anyway back from such a sheepish mind set. First people are fooled enough to believe that the man in the caves of the man on the camel can bypass the most secure and intelligent nation on the earth. The fact that not one but 3 planes can be hijacked in a day should raise alarm bells in itself. One man maybe can slip through security with a small blade and threaten staff onboard. But can we believe that a pilot and a full plane on people would sit still and allow a hijacker to take over a plane and fly them to their death. Surely the heroics on board the famous "Flight 93" would have been something we saw on board ALL planes or would everyone just sit still and let a man with a small box cutter blade decide their fate?
If you was onboard a plane would you let a knife decide your fate? Or would someone on board find the courage to fight it? Would the pilot allow this to occur? I can't see how people can except that on that day hijackers just walked through airports and got onto planes with weapons. Not to mention that jet fuel cannot melt steel and so the collapse of the towers was scientifically impossible. Some have said the planes also had explosives on board. So we go from sneaking on with box cutters to walking on the planes with enough explosives to bend and eventually melt steel columns
to dust.
I have even seen those who lost loved ones in the towers claim that "Now Bin Laden is dead we can finally have closure and the lost souls can finally rest in peace" This is utter garbage. If indeed an afterlife does exist then I can see 3000+ souls wandering in limbo, unable to rest because they now know that what happened on that day was not the man with the camel but the Zionist agenda that America is in bed with. If an afterlife truly exists then those behind this attack will meet these 3000 souls and be haunted by them in the afterlife.
The US government has even been quick to say that just because he is dead, does not mean the war on terror is over or that terrorism will stop. In other words. "We have a few new targets and a few new set ups we want to try out, not to mention the Afghan war is unwinnable, so we will use this to slowly slip out and make more plans for war with nations like Iran and Syria".
Of course what ever war the Americans decide to fight will be joined by the those nations joined to them at the hip. The regular culprits like good old Jewnited Kingdom will follow along like a good trained puppy dog and when the Americans throw the stick Britain will go fetch.
People need to see what is going on here, they need to open their eyes to the wider screen and the bigger picture. This isn't about "Real Terrorism" it is about "Staged Terrorism" why do you think we have the media telling us the terror risk is imminent but acts of terrorism seems to happen only on the odd occasion. Why with millions of Muslims in Europe and the United States why do we not see small lone wolf type attacks weekly or monthly. Why do these "Terrorists" manage to get through the greatest intelligence agency on earth but fail to walk into US Football stadiums or shopping centres on a daily basis? Are we to believe that the pentagon is less prepared for terrorism than a McDonalds restaurant? Are we to believe that out of the hundreds of millions of Muslims only those with links to American intelligence can manage to kill civilians? It truly is a sheep like majority that believe this to be facts. People know the history of media lies but they still believe the next lot of lies to spew from the Zionist media. When they declassify documents that show lies and deception years on people still won't dare challenge the facts presented in the present day. It works to the agenda of the tyrant to allow the facts at present to only be revealed as lies when the next generation wont care that war was staged or that a few thousand soldiers gave their lives for lies and deception. 100 years from now when they declassify the September 11th 2001 files and it shows that America staged those attacks to start war and reel in some power who will care? It will simply be 100 years on, a new generation with 100 years more corruption and brainwashing and they wont even care that people were slaughtered for a global Zionist agenda. The death of your child may hurt today but that death will mean very little to your great grandchild who reads this family history and doesn't feel a flicker of emotion.
The official story so far says that Bin Ladens body was simply dropped in the Ocean. They say this was to respect Muslim tradition that a body must be buried within 24hours of the death. Of course you know this to be absolute lies because since when did we care about following any rules of engagement? The Zionist ruled nations may set up rules of engagement but following them is for others to do. No fly zones mean one thing to the media and another to the Elders. No fly means bomb milk factories in Iraq during the 1990's and say that chemical weapons might have been inside. No ground troops what so ever means ground troops in 3-6 months. Strategic targets means bomb anything that moves. Strategic targets in the eyes of the Zionist rulers are places like Dresden and Hiroshima.
So will we get some Photoshop images of the corpse now? will we get the same poor examples we saw when the Zionists took out JFK or should we all think right now that digital cameras and HD technology will provide us with crystal clear images that cannot be disputed? I am expecting some half hearted effort at photos and I am expecting his face or head to be so badly damaged that facial recognition is impossible.
People have to stop allowing this to pass of as facts. This is staged. STAGED STAGED STAGED. It is a way to divert attention. Especially for Americans who are being ruled by a man who clearly has no right being president. A man who clearly is not "natural Born" and therefore cannot be eligible to run as president and every single law he makes is null and void and infact illegal. My best prediction is this. Obama will be used to sign away as many American rights as possible and then either at the end of his term or at the end of his servitude to the Elders he will be revealed as a Non US citizen and America will fall into riots that make the Rodney King riots look like a picnic. The blacks in America once swore to riot the day that Nelson Mandela died, so can you imagine how hard its going to be to remove the Black power from power?
On a very serious note. Just a few weeks ago mainstream media reported that Bin Ladens lifeline was connected to an explosive. Saying first that Islamic militants had placed small nuclear bombs in all states of the United States and also that a bomb had been placed in Europe that would explode if Osama Bin laden died. Its strange how a mainstream story run about this just weeks ago and no one seems to have tried to use this ... YET as a scare tactic. So watch out for them using a explosion causing mass loss of life to scare people into further submission. We all know how they like to kill with guns and bombs in order to tighten restrictions on freedoms. In the UK they used to send mad men like Thomas Hamilton into schools to shoot innocent children in order to keep gun bans in a Police state nation which ensures the power that the people are weak and defenseless and have no way to resist their agenda.
What ever your theory on 9/11 it cannot be denied now that Osama Bin Laden has been ally then axis, ally then axis more times than someone with OCD checks their gas taps on the cooker. It cannot be denied how strange it is that a man manages to elude the most powerful armies on earth for 10 years hiding in caves and then decides he wants to come down out of the caves and spend a bit of time in the city living in a block of flats near a military base.
It has to be questioned as to why when the British admit the July7th bomber was connected to British intelligence the public do not ask questions. The masses are first fooled by the Zionist lies and then when these people come on national television and admit that the killers work under cover for the government people do NOTHING! They simply continue to believe every word that spews from the "Electronic Toilet" a.k.a. the television. If Osama Bin Laden is dead then does that mean the troops can come home? Surely the war on terror is over. NO because by announcing this killing and by doing so during the "mass Islamic Uprising" they have opened the way for devastating reprisals on European soil. They will certainly not go long before mass bombings start happening and this will fit snug into the Agenda of using the last white Europeans to fight Islam so that both people can be reduced and so that more power can be handed over to the United Nations.
This isn't conspiracy or madness on my part it is all facts that can be met with proof page after page. Those who still think we are at war with Islam because Europe and Islam are arch enemies simply have it wrong. Our war with Islam as white folk is a war of preservation. If Arabs returned to the middle east and fought their "Jihad" with the Israelis would we step in and shed the blood of our race for the Jewish people? Would we be happy to enter the middle east if not a single Muslim lived in our lands? Of course not but because this ALIEN IDEOLOGY lives and breaths within our land we have a war that we cannot ignore. We have a changing birth rate and we have a threat from this faith because the Elders wanted it that way. Western culture is at risk from Islam but the driving force behind this are those who have the power and that power lies with the Elders. We can only defeat ALIEN IDEOLOGY if we have control of our own destiny.
So when people talk to you about this over the coming weeks think about what your reply will be. Will you simply let the media pull the wool over the eyes of those around you. Will you let the Zionists get away with manipulating your loved ones and having them believe that our governments are the good guys. Or will you tell them that its all a lie, that the man who was sat on the FBI most wanted list as number 1 was nothing more than a phantom designed to be "on the run" and "at large" so long as he played the fitting part in the plot. Now that he isn't the talk of the town, now that we have war with the whole middle east the smaller fish can be pulled out of the flour mix and thrown into the bubbling hot batter mix.
Besides we have done what the Elders wanted in Iraq by installing a new puppet leader. They are thinking "We can't earn any oil out of Afghanistan but its important that we leave thousands of Americans inside the country because half a billion dollars of Heroin can be exported a year. Libya is prime location with 2% of the worlds oil available and a nation that hasn't yet signed up to the Zionist world banking swindle. Syria we want to get hold of because that gives the Jew his gateway to expansion and of course Syria has a loyal friend in Iran and we want those real bad, have done since the start of this conflict"
And for those who still think the Jewish agenda is less of a threat than issues like Immigration think again because if war with Iran starts then Oil and Natural gas deals between Iran, Russia and China would come under threat. deals worth 200 billion dollars to those 3 nations and they won't let America go in and bomb Iran so that could well be the build up to a war that won't end well for any of us. If our race can learn anything from this latest news it is this.
Our Muslim problem lies in what the Zionist agenda is allowing to happen. We have real conflict with Islam here at home, but they know they are fueling this by getting us to "support our troops abroad" they then make us look unpatriotic if we call into question any war but the fact is I love my race and want to preserve it desperately. For me the war is a war we fight for Israel and nothing more. I believe if we had control of our governments, we could remove the Islamic threat by deportation and those who have threatened to kill and conquer I would not send back but would put on trial. Those who have killed my race would be kept here and dealt with and examples like the killers of Kriss Donald would be hung or executed for their crimes. There is a solution to our races demise but it isn't to fight the war against the Middle east for the Elders. If we have war with Islam it is those in our lands and those who bring harm upon our people but this never ending support for Israel has to end. A Europe controlled by our race would have no alliance with Israel and no affection for the Jewish Problem. In my eyes the Jewish problem is that a small number of people think they can control the world and the key to that power being toppled is for ALL nations on earth to say no and reject their ideas their agenda and to demand these people leave their lands because while we have Zionism at the root of all power our race has no hope what so ever. until the world wakes up to the Zionist agenda and rejects it we cannot free ourselves.
All comrades here will be aware of the education system which tells our white children that Hitler brainwashed people into following him. The truth is Hitler rejected the Usary system and he was aware and awake to the Zionist agenda. Its only called brainwashing if it is true and its only called education if it is false. Thats how you are best to look at everything around you. When the media tells you its all under control that means radiation is pouring out in to the air. When they tell you the rise of the far right is a threat to Europe what they actually mean is that their Zionist masters cannot afford for their agenda to be halted. They cannot allow passion to grow in Europe and so they have to counter the anti Zionist agenda with an "Islamic Invasion"
When they talk about Hitler's brainwashing you should think awakening. When they speak of the evil we preach you should justify your doctrine with love for your race. When they say that we are hungry for war we need to challenge that and show that our race has been used in war since the dawn of time or since the dawn of the Chosen peoples agenda to rule over the Goyim of the world. When you think you can rely on mainstream news for facts you should remember it was this same machine of lies that put 100 million European kinsman into graves during two world wide Brother wars.
We have defeated Islam in the past and if we had control of this continent we would have no problem with removing this problem. It would be economically better for us to pay each one of them to travel home first class than it would to keep them here but the system would have you believe they are of economic value to this continent. If we sent every Muslim back to the middle east in first class accommodation we would pay less than if we keep them here for 1 year. The cost of allowing this Zionist driven Islamic invasion to remain is the decline of our birthrate below 1.3 children per family. Some parts of Europe already have this and it is IRREVERSIBLE it cannot be fixed because it takes close to 100 years to stabilize. These shouldn't be just facts you brush off comrades these statistics do NOT lie and they spell out the death of the white race forever with absolutely no way to recover. This pattern cannot run past 2037 because if it does its just a matter of time before the minority of our race that remains will convert or intermix with those not of our people and the fight to survive will be over. No more debating over who is right and wrong. No more honour vs dishonour no more NF vs BNP no more KKK vs NSM no more debating, no more infighting no more hope just a fucking nail in our legacy and the footprints of the elders of Zion trodden into the soil underneath the continent our forefathers conquered build settled and died for.
Bin Laden may have died in 2002, maybe he died just a few days ago maybe he isn't dead or maybe like the real conspiracy says Osama is Obama... not the take I have on things and this should be what people refer to as Conspiracy.
The media wins when you let them convince you that the words I write here are those of a conspiracy theorist. My name isn't Alex Jones and I don't call Hitler a freemason. My name isn't David Icke and I don't believe the world is ruled by Lizard people. I don't believe the moon is a hollowed out spaceship either. But I do know that for close to 2000 years a system has been in place that has served the interests of those who today we call Zionist Jews or the Elders of Zion.
I know my race is the most enslaved, I know that we cannot fight all the Jewish wars if we want to survive as a race and I know that while I have internal war with Muslims I will NOT play into external wars that put my people and my nation at risk. I do NOT support war in the middle east just as the Iranian president said he wanted Arabs to return to Arab lands and fight the Jihad against Zionism. We can make world war and kill our race or we can take control of our system and refuse to support this Zionist agenda. I know that a Europe under the control of Europeans, that distanced itself from Israel would find itself in a strong position once more. I know that a Muslim free, Zionist free, European run continent could trade resources as was the idea under Hitler and I know for sure that a Europe without Zionist control could recover from the birth decline and ultimately save our race from extinction.
Preservation has to be our main priority, not Zionist driven war for profit. We don't profit, we put our homes our people at risk from a growing Muslim population which will be the MAJORITY by 2037 if this control remains with the Zionists.
I respect every man among us whether he accepts the 9/11 story or not. I don't think we can all take time to look at all the facts unless we really want to and for me every man who fights for white preservation is my ally and not my enemy. But as a man who has made education and awareness something that comes first I have only ever come here with argument because I don't want to see my fellow kinsman fooled by a single word that spews from the mainstream of society. When I know some among us fight without all the war plans laid out in front of them it puts me on edge and makes me try and drive home the reality so that more of my kinsman might be spared from what I feel is to come.
Look at everything I have said. Bin Laden was protected by CIA, Bin Laden was a fraud used to scare the people and if after you have pulled this apart with a fine tooth comb you find me to be misleading then you can refer to me as a crank or a conspiracy nut. I know my facts to be facts and I don't want people to say "You are right" I just don't want to witness the consequences of you or your family being wrong.
We as a race have very little time, and when we sleep at night we should listen closely because you will hear the ticking clock of our race. We all know they lie, we know they made Hitler look like the biggest monster in human history while we know the facts and we know they will portray the bush and Blair era as the men who stood proud against evil. Its all counter truth, its all reverse truth. You know they lie, so believe NOTHING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING they tell you because every single word they speak is to confuse your already controlled thoughts and feelings.
We have to wake up and see this and we have to at least try to get our movement on a level path because while the Muslim hordes close in Shia and Sunni together, while the Europe borders fill with non whites and while the Zionist support we give puts our own people at risk we are still busy fighting and arguing about the most irrelevant shit possible. Thats why the Muslims get a cartoon drawn and gather outside London embassy with 24 hour notice while our division and lack of will produces handfuls of comrades at rallies that had months of pre planning and advertisement.
Something really is wrong with our spirit when we see less people at a National Front remembrance parade than we do at a Muslim event in central London. Even the ultra right Jewish members of British society can turn out to support the killing of people on board an aid boat more than we can stand against the imprisonment of white political prisoners. Something is terribly wrong with our battle tactic, we in the UK especially have become the movement that never moves. If it does move it moves backward and closer towards its own grave stone. All the while this media coverage that the number one bad man on the planet is dead so all of our worries are over. Our troubles are only now getting started, next step middle east conflicts in Libya? Maybe Syria? or maybe even Iran. I just wonder how many people have read the full protocols of Zion and those who have I think should do what you can to make it available to everyone because if you pick up one book in your life with regards to the "Jewish Plan for the Goyim" it has to be the Protocols.
Its a long post and I appreciate anyone who took the time to read it. I hope people will treat this topic in a way that can educate us all by the time we read it and hope people will criticize my words or question them in any case they wish to because if we are seeking the truth together thats much better than excepting the lies. The lies put us in the ground, and eventually we would become a race without a history, or a legacy. As the Foe stated in the movie 300 I will erase your existence from all history, it will be as though you never existed. We can't let lies put us in the ground and so all we have left is truth and I believe as many great warriors of our race did that ultimately truth will set us free.