Sunday, April 24, 2011


This news article has already been covered briefly on the main NF website (News Section)

I wanted to simply address the issue again because for a "School Professional" to claim these children push, shove and abuse their teachers more when the weather is bad is a sign that people unfit to serve in these positions are the future for the education system.

How does someone with this reply get to this position and more to the point who is doing the hiring?

If we have people like this at the top what kind of tragedy filters down into the class rooms?

This moron would blame the rain and forget about the fact that most senior school children today listen to violent music from the Black Culture and they have absolutely no morals what so ever at home or in the street or at school. When the music you sing on the way to the class room contains lyrics about killing, robbing, trading guns, stabbing, kidnapping, drug dealing and this image is spewed out through the Zionist Tube as the "way to gain respect" then how can we sit scratching our heads at causes for this decline.

Of course the average teacher knows that 10 years ago they had back chat while ten years on teachers are physically attacked and in some cases teachers are even being raped by pupils.

I remember on 8th December 1995 when Philip Ambrose Lawrence was killed by a 15 year old member of a Filipino gang this of course shocked the nation but not enough for them to question what was started to creep up into the British youth culture. That head teacher died because he tried to split up a fight, today in classrooms up and down the country those who attempt to educate and prepare children for their future find themselves powerless against this violence. They are at risk of losing their job and career prospects if they even go as far as restrain a child because the child can so easily claim "abuse".

If teachers are to have any control over their pupils it surely makes sense for them to have control over their own classrooms? At my children's school they have a Vice Head who basically takes care of everything. If we ring with a problem he will deal with it. If the school has an internal issue he will normally deal with it. The head teacher in all truth is not needed. She is simply another salary to pay and a name on the board that welcomes you to the school.

When I attended school, and from my children's own mouths still to this day, when the governors come to inspect a school the teachers will simply ask children to be on their best behaviour. That 2 day assessment is therefore flawed from the start. How can you judge a school based on a 2 day act by the pupils? How can you say that a school meets all standards when the day you leave drugs pass through the toilets and onto the school fields and teachers go back to being victims of violence in some cases or teachers of lies and brainwashing white guilt in other cases.

In order for schools to become a safe place for child and teacher the teacher needs to have back some of the power that has been handed out to clowns like this fool who says that rain and wind made children abusive and aggressive. In order for children to remain safe at school much more needs to happen. For a start it would be good to see violent "hip hip" music condemns rather than trying to fool the "guilty whites" into thinking that its a universal message about hard times and poverty. Of course today we see a lot of white youth producing music along these lines talking about the hard times at home here in the UK. The fact still remains that the guns, drugs and pimping elements of the white youths musical message came with the generations of the 1950's and even more so with the rise of yardie immigration into the UK. We didn't "bake crack cocaine" or carry "uzi machine guns" until this image was embedded into the fabric of our society.

Our grandparents didn't abuse drugs and allow themselves to become weakened but instead they met every challenge they faced with true British grit and determination. So what went wrong? In my personal opinion the generation that followed my grandparents. My parents generation believed war and hard times were gone for good. It was time to "chill out" stick some LSD under a headband and fly away with the fairies. "Make Love and NOT War" but the big problem with that was while the masses walked around in the clouds, back down on earth the agenda to destroy us morally and physically was under way. When our parents generation finally came down from the clouds they found that while they had been loving the enemy had been plotting. Plotting future wars, manufacturing new drugs that would send people higher into the clouds, replacing fact with fiction, taking the education in schools and giving it a Zionist twist ensuring most white children would leave school as self hating guilty white sheep.

These "violent children" are the product of that master plan, they haven't woke up today and because its raining the acidity in the rain has made them go to school and attack their teachers. They are products of a idea, they are the end result of a plan that has been in place for about 40 years and the pace of this corrosion shows no sign of slowing. The music stores in this nation will continue to front row top shelf window display this violence, they will continue to push forward new drugs that will keep kids in a world of their own, those kids they cant hook on street drugs will be given "medical labels" like depression or ADHD and will be test subjects for the science labs and therapists across the nation.

The real culprit isn't nature here. The real blame lies with government that has allowed this cultural perversion to take over the minds of the British youth and if we cannot bring about an understanding for this youth that they are being used then we will have no hope for the future of this nation because the future lies squarely with the youth. They have to be led in the right direction and the only way that is possible is for the teachers to teach "real subjects" if and when we have the power to bring back the education of our kinfolk into our schools then rather than seeing white guilt and black pride the youth would see that honour morals loyalty respect dignity are all badges of honour that countless Europeans have earned and worn. When the youth act in this way they need to know that the enemy is sat behind 1 way glass watching in and laughing at the third world cesspool they are creating. When they watch you waste away on drugs and spend you weekend vomiting in a alleyway wondering where it all went wrong they chuckle so hard it hurts, when you get thrown out of school and they know your the next white lad in the dole line with no future prospects it makes them feel as if they are one step closer to watching the white race beg for a mere existence in the future. Every time you fail they win, every time you win they worry. Every time your family caves in they smile with glee every time a white family remains strong they plan the next way to divide and conquer.

For the youth to have a chance they must see that the current system does not work, the current methods do not work the current trend cannot remain and something has to change sooner rather than later. Look to Egypt recently and realize that 40% of that nation are youth and they faced gun fire and instant death but still stood for something they thought was right. Surely the bulldog spirit of our youth can find it in themselves to be the generation who don't just talk of change and crave for change but the youth who fought for change won that change and left for their children a better world than the one they entered.

Next time your outdoors and the wind hits your face see if it makes you angry, my guess is that you wont feel anger. You will simply feel gratitude for the calm breeze that cools your face or fills your lungs.

Thanks for reading.