Friday, March 18, 2011

Christians no longer allowed to be foster parents in the UK

A Christian couple facing a foster parenting ban because of their views on homosexuality were told by a court yesterday that gay rights ‘should take precedence’ over their religious beliefs.
Owen and Eunice Johns heard that their values could conflict with the local authority’s duty to ‘safeguard and promote the welfare’ of those in foster care.
The grandparents have already fostered 15 children and were praised by social workers as ‘kind and hospitable people’ who ‘respond sensitively’ to youngsters.

Read more:

The Pentecostal Christians, who have been carers since 1992, had applied to Derby City Council in 2007 to restart fostering after a break.
But social workers raised concerns that their attitudes to homosexuality would conflict with the new Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007.

Traditional: The couple insisted they are not homophobic at the High Court but do not recognise civil partnerships between gay couples as marriage
The couple decided they were ‘doomed to failure’ and sought a clarification of the law over whether their religious beliefs excluded them from becoming foster carers.
Their case, heard last year, was supported by senior clergy including former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey who, in an open letter, warned that gay rights were taking precedence over the rights of others.
During the case, the Equality and Human Rights Commission argued that children risk being ‘infected’ by Christian moral views.
Yesterday the retired couple’s request for a ruling that faith should not be a bar to becoming a carer was denied at the High Court in London.
Their case was heard by one of the most senior members of the family court, Lord Justice Munby, who was sitting alongside Mr Justice Beeston.
It was ruled that there was no discrimination against them as Christians but that their views on sexual morality may be ‘inimical’ – or harmful – to children. In that situation, they ruled: ‘The equality provisions concerning sexual orientation should take precedence.’
The Johnses are considering an appeal but campaigners fear the ruling will be used as a blueprint for other councils to stop devout Christians from becoming foster parents.
The couple, who have four grown-up children and six grandchildren, had applied to be respite carers offering short-term placements for children aged between five and ten.
Mrs Johns, a retired nurse, said: ‘This is a sad day for Christianity. The judges have suggested that our views might harm children. We do not believe that this is so. We are prepared to love and accept any child.
‘All we were not willing to do was to tell a small child that the practice of homosexuality was a good thing.’

She added that the couple have visited her nephew, who is gay, and his partner in San Francisco.
Her husband added: ‘We wanted to offer love and stability and security to a vulnerable child. Eight-year-olds we have looked after want to play, not talk about their sexuality.’
Yesterday the council denied that it had sought to discriminate against Mr and Mrs Johns on the grounds of religious belief, but added that it ‘welcomes the judgment’.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Now this is as off topic as it gets with regards to our own Nationalist cause but I feel that we have completely ignored the disaster happening in Japan simply because its happening on the other side of the world.

I have already had an enormous debate over the Japan issue, and it drew some negatives and positives but rather than having the discussion all over again I wanted to cover the threat this disaster poses to White nations and white people.

This article will shock many but at the same time will highlight just how much the main stream media lie. It will also highlight why it is important to fight the government idea of closing down the internet during "Disasters" and directing people only to Government websites. I have taken a lot of time talking to friends who are very interested in Earthquakes and also listening to a LOT of reports coming from alternative media sources that describe this Nuclear fallout as "Chernobyl on Steroids"

I am NOT going to discuss the earthquake or the Tsunami but only discuss what is happening inside the Nuclear facility. I urge comrades who have read my blog to read this because the nuclear reactors that have exploded pose an extreme risk to you and your children.

Point 1 I will try and make with basic knowledge shared with me from friends who know MUCH more than me about this stuff. One of them being the father of my comrade who has worked around these type of facilities all his adult life and has a vast range of knowledge on this issue.

The Reactors inside the plant before the explosion.

Now all it takes is to watch the following 2 clips one after another and before they start I want to give you one thing to look out for. The first video will show a explosion that travels width ways, the second will show an explosion shoot up. The first explosion the media first said had smashed down a wall and HAD NOT released any of the radiation inside. IT DID BUT PLEASE READ ON!

Video 1 = Width Explosion

Video 2 = Shooting Up Like Nuclear Bomb

Now the media told us after video one that it was a wall and none of the Radiation came out, since then they have said radiation did leak out and that up to 7000 used rods were stored inside around a cooling area up around the ceiling. IN OTHER WORDS THE RODS CONTAINING RADIATION HAD BEEN BLOWN EVERYWHERE.

Then from the second clip you can see this explosion is much more violent, you see a flash of orange and then the smoke reaches the white tower in the shot in about a second. Compared to the first clip which took about 8 seconds to reach as high.

The media said after the second explosion that there was now a little risk from this radiation and this is why this article matters to us. I will try and provide all the information given to me and hope that people will at least take time to look into this for themselves because some key facts.

If something is blown high enough it enters what is known as the "Jet Stream" and that travels around the globe like this ..

The jet stream constantly travels in that direction ALWAYS and then wind change and weather determine where it grabs valleys and coast lines and sends wind in various directions. But the key is to look at the picture above and remember the way in which the cycle constantly travels.

Now it is important to reveal 2 bits of news that have not made their way to our main stream news and these news articles should be EVERYWHERE!

The Japanese government has not told the people about the ominous fact that the plant site is a hellish repository where a staggering number of spent fuel rods have accumulated for 40

Each reactor building pool holds 3,450 fuel rod assemblies and the common pool holds 6,291 fuel rod assemblies. Each assembly holds  sixty three fuel rods. In short, the Fukushima Daiichi plant contains over 600,000 spent fuel rods.

Now if you can imagine your home in the summer curtains closed and a small beam of light gets in that shows you small bits of dust floating around your home. Reactor 3 contains something mixed with 7% plutonium and 93% uranium. 1 single dust particle of either of these WILL KILL YOU! Not maybe, not possibly 110% you are dead if this stuff gets into your lungs. It is now important for me to tell you that the life of this stuff (meaning how long it lives or remains dangerous) is a minimum of 4 BILLION YEARS!

Now everyone will know all about chernobyl and recent studies show that 1Million people on average died worldwide as a result of Chernobyl.

Proof Provided Here

Chernobyl had not even 1% of this radiation, not even 0.1% in fact and when you watch the reactor 3 video. (Video 2) you will see chunks of black objects come down from the mushroom cloud and the media have only just began to warn people about the wind I showed you above. Many people in Russia know how dangerous this is and began getting radiation meters the day after the first reactor exploded.

The shooting high explosion sent many of these rods not only all over the plant but MANY are known to have been sent into the sea. Many fragments of this have gone into the Pacific ocean and the media are not mentioning this as main stream world wide important news. Basic maths says that if Chernobyl has killed 1 Million and this is 100x or more worse that mass death over the next 2 decades could be hundreds of millions.

Fish will be radiated, milk from dairy will be affected, meat will be affected and this isn't simply a Japanese problem. In fact most of this fallout will not hit japan in mass dosage and a large percentage of this is now heading toward North America where about 70% of farming productivity is based.

If the plant’s radioactive particles get caught in the jet stream and travel the world over, they will end up contaminating crops and grazing fields the entire world over. Time and time and time again for the next 4 BILLION years and I challenge anyone to prove any of this to be false information.

I pride my blog and my morals on honesty and the honest facts are that this is the biggest disaster in Human history. In many ways you could call it the "end of the world" because this much radiation at best will shorten the life thousands of future generations. Massive increase in cancer has been seen the world over from the now minute disaster that was chernobyl.

It is also important for me to inform people that these 600 thousand rods are NOT SAFE and the 50 men going in and out for 15 minutes at a time are DEAD IN A WEEK, the helicopters flying over the pilots are DEAD IN A WEEK the people within this containment zone DEAD the British gone into work with them DEAD the chidren of workers deformed for ever. This literally spells disaster on a scale we have never known and the media refuse to make anything of it.

Now when this wind drags this around the globe people need to be prepared and that will be something else I cover in a article I shall prepare asap and put up. The important thing for people to know is that Chernobyl was 1 million dead and it was nothing, nothing, nothing compared to this. This will travel the globe and some of this will land in European fields and farms. Some of this will land in water supplies, some of this will affect milk and dairy, grazing animals and if a pregnat mother in Europe ingests 1 single dust particle of Plutonium or Uranium it spells death or severe disaster for the unborn child and most certainly a life expectancy at least halved.

I have tried to put across this information in the best way as someone who simply learnt ANY of this 1 WEEK AGO. It is also worth noting that today while my Partner returned from shopping she said to the driver. "How long before you think the radiation will reach Europe" to which he replied "it won't get to Europe" and looked at her like she was mental. It is that attitude that is mental, that attitude that shows how survival has been removed from the instinct of man and replaced with blind submission.

Just as those who may wish to ignore this whole article have the right to do so, but I would hope people would go as far as to check for themselves. Radiation lives 4 BILLION YEARS - 600-000 Rods (thats over half a million) melting and releasing the most dangerous radiation (Plutonium or Uranium) into the atmosphere and a few Japanese workers who have the Job to go in and die in order to save NOT just Japan but the world from an even bigger disaster. Since then most of those set that task have began to get sick and the Japanese will then begin to call on troops who must "defend a nation" just as if Yorkshire plant went British men would have to go in and give their lives. A real test of manhood in my oppinion and something we have to recognize because now if Japanese people cannot show courage then day by day this gets more serious for us.

They refer to radiation pools on the floor as "China syndrome" because it will literally melt through the earth, not stopping just continuing to melt through the earth.

Please share this information with people because if you google Iodine sold out you will see that people who understand what happened at chernobyl know that radiation is coming and people need to be prepared.

The Survival/Protection segment I will write up and upload Tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Whole lot of White - A Handful Of Aryans

I have long known the difference between someone who is White and someone who is Aryan.

Sharon Davies for example is White but because she decided to destroy her race by mixing I would certainly not call her Aryan.

Joseph Stalin was also White but as he decided to follow suicidal doctrine and murder millions of his own race he was most certainly not an Aryan.

Tony Blair is White but leading our men and women into false wars and supporting the destruction of our homeland he is most certainly not Aryan.

Now it depends what route you take and what view you hold on your own definition of the term "Aryan"
The best example I would say is ..

Aryan: A racially conscious White person dedicated to the survival and freedom of his people.

"We Aryans are those of European descent who are racially conscious and who have committed our lives to our people’s survival and evolutionary advancement. We shall do our duty. We shall not surrender our freedom and our very existence to Jewish or any other power. We shall preserve our heritage and our hard-won rights and freedoms. We shall guide our people up the evolutionary stairway to the stars."
--David Duke, My Awakening, p469

It is also important for people to know that the word did not come from Europe but in fact came much earlier amongst the people living in what is today Iran.

Word History: It is one of the ironies of history that Aryan, a word nowadays referring to the blond-haired, blue-eyed physical ideal of Nazi Germany, originally referred to a people who looked vastly different. Its history starts with the ancient Indo-Iranians, Indo-European peoples who inhabited parts of what are now Iran, Afghanistan, and India. Their tribal self-designation was a word reconstructed as *arya- or *rya-. The first of these is the form found in Iranian, as ultimately in the name of Iran itself (from Middle Persian rn (ahr), “(Land) of the Iranians,” from the genitive plural of r, “Iranian”). The variant *rya- is found unchanged in Sanskrit, where it referred to the upper crust of ancient Indian society. These words became known to European scholars in the 18th century. The shifting of meaning that eventually led to the present-day sense started in the 1830s, when Friedrich Schlegel, a German scholar who was an important early Indo-Europeanist, came up with a theory that linked the Indo-Iranian words with the German word Ehre, “honor,” and older Germanic names containing the element ario-, such as the Swiss warrior Ariovistus who was written about by Julius Caesar. Schlegel theorized that far from being just a designation of the Indo-Iranians, the word *arya- had in fact been what the Indo-Europeans called themselves, meaning something like “the honorable people.” (This theory has since been called into question.) Thus “Aryan” came to be synonymous with “Indo-European,” and in this sense entered the general scholarly consciousness of the day. Not much later, it was proposed that the original homeland of the Indo-Europeans had been in northern Europe. From this theory, it was but a small leap to think of the Aryans as having had a northern European physiotype.

For us this word means noble, within our culture and our people we use this word to often and we think that anyone who is white has the right to use this term. We can look at anyone skin deep and judge them as white but I would give the word Aryan only to those who can claim this nobility.

I think that the most accepted defination of "aryan" simple means INDO EUROPEAN which simple means WHITE person, plain and simple. Of course its true that ANCIENT Persians where the first ones calling them selfs "aryan".

The media have tried too long to make this look like a single word that calls us better than others when in fact all it did was claim our nobility as a people. Looking back at Vikings, Anglo Saxon, Celtic warriors we cannot doubt their honour and nobility. Just as today we cannot ignore or deny that we have many whites but very few Aryans.

Those whom you consider white may well be white, but the term Aryan we should not turn away from but should in fact embrace it and take it on board. I personally do not care to associate with only white people but choose to build friendships and trust only with the Aryans of the world. Nobility means trust and trust means security and safety for our race and nation.

Now sit back and ask yourself, out of all the white people you know, how many of them conduct themselves as true Aryans?

Click Here Aryan Nobility

Thursday, March 10, 2011

101 Questions for the EDL to answer

A small list of real concerns about the direction of the EDL.

1. Can you tell us what defence you provide the Native English people by offering support to Israel?

2. Can you tell us why you have moved so quickly from a 1 policy movement into a movement intent on defending Israeli rights?

3. Can you tell us why it is that you offer a platform for Jewish extremism?

4. Can you tell us why you highlight pedophilia within the Muslim community but fail to mention the trafficking of European white women to Israel and have nothing to say about the likes of Roman Polanski?

5. Can you tell us who came up with the idea to look for support within the Jewish Task Force?

6. Can you explain what you mean when you say multiculturalism has not failed?

7. Can you tell us why the EDL considers the BNP as racists when they also have non white members?

8. Can you tell us why we see more Israel flags at some events than England flags?

9. Can you tell us what percentage of your support comes from the ethnic groups in this country?

10. Can you tell us how many of your proud patriots have drug problems?

11. Can you tell us how many Jewish supporters you have

12. Can you tell us how many Jewish financiers you have on board?

13. Can you explain why your forum is now open only to those who pay?

14. Can you explain why instructions have been given to attack anyone who looks "racist" at certain events?

15. Can you tell us why you don't make more effort in London?

16. Can you condemn the Zionist media owners just as you have the Saudi oil merchants?

17. Can you speak out against the evils written in the Jewish Talmud as you have with the Koran?

18. Can you explain why you promote NF or BNP as Nazis and make it clear to your supporters that we are also their enemy?

19. Can you tell us where the thousands of pounds came from and what requirements you had to meet to get that funding?

20. Can you explain why you were allowed to walk the streets masked when no right wing group has been allowed to wear even a scarf over their mouths for the past 20+ years?

21. Can you tell us why Israel belongs to Jews when Arabs have lived there for 2000 + years?

22. Can you understand that supporting terrorism toward children and women can only bring danger to these shores?

23. Do you consider Israeli settlements legal?

24. Did you know that a leading Rabbi in Israel recently said that "Non Jews only exist on this earth to serve the Jews" what is your view on this? (Feel free to google this before responding)

25. Does your burning of a Nazi symbol really have anything to do with your 1 policy. By this question I mean why did you have to address Islam by burning a symbol not in use for 70+ years?

26. You claim European solidarity but did you not just bring up old wounds with the Germans with the statement toward that period of history?

27. How is it that you would claim to defend this land but have no view on the countless white victims of Racism at the hands of Blacks and others in this land?

28. Why is it that you quickly found yourself surrounded by puppeteers and happily accepted all this multi racial help and assistance?

29. How did it go from England to Israel in such a short space of time?

30. Why won't you defend this land from Drug abuse?

31. Why are you not sickened by the treatment of white families at the hands of black gangs in and around London?

32. Why do you not speak out about the violent anti white sentiment in Rap Music?

33. Why do you have nothing to say about the Rape of a Mexican girl at the hands of 18 Back men in the United States?

34. Why don't you condemn those who openly admitted killing 28 British men in Israel during the attack on the King David Hotel?

35. Why do you not condemn the killing of men onboard the USS liberty at the hands of Israeli soldiers?

36. Why does it not bother you to see white women naked and exposed inside various newspapers and magazines?

37. Why do you show Halal meat as evil but have no comments on Kosher slaughter?

38. Why don't you tell people that the Zionist Jew Rothschild took control of 98% of this Nation when he found out 20 hours ahead of England that we had won the war against Napoleon and told the nation that we had lost so that he could crash the stocks and buy this nations hard earned wealth with pennies.

39. Why don't you address the evil of communism?

40. Why have you not burnt the Hammer and Sickle, which also was responsible for the deaths of many of our forefathers?

41. Why would the NF who are a British first movement be considered the enemy within the EDL?

42. Who decided on what groups you could and couldn't support?

43. What makes the NF dangerous and the Jewish Task Force an ally?

44. Why would it make sense to work with Israelis but condemn and distance yourself from your own patriots at home?

45. Who would gain from this dis-unity?

46. Why in 100 years should China be 99.9 Chinese, Nigeria 99.9% Nigerian, japan 99.8% Japanese and Europe the stop over and toilet for every ethnic group?

47. If defending your country is okay, and defending your identity also then why is going one step further and defending your race such a crime in your leaderships eyes?

48. Why has Tommy Robinson only just found passion for his nation?

49. Why does no one in the right wing movement have a clue where he came from?

50. Half way almost there... what has the EDL made from merchandise sales and how much of that money ended up as white powder on the edge of a razor blade?

51. Can you join the EDL if you support the IRA?

52. What does Tommy personally think about the IRA?

53. How many members of the EDL have links to Pro IRA sites and forums?

54. Why do we see very little solidarity with the Scottish?

55. Why has the EDL become like a Luton Exclusive movement rather than a Nationwide awakening?

56. What percentage of EDL leadership used to be members of right wing parties?

57. How many will admit that they sold out and are nothing more than fortune hunters happy to be king of their town?

58. How many of the EDL leadership have drug debts with ethnic minorities?

59. Why has the EDL closed ranks instead of embracing those who have made the EDL what it is?

60. What would the EDL have to say to those young lads they attacked simply because they suspected them of being "Nazis"

61. Does the EDL know that their Rabbi recently was filmed stating that homosexuals should be killed?

62. Did you also know that in 1290 ALL Jews were expelled  from this land by our King Edward I?

63. As defenders of this nation do you support your Kings decision? (Read the facts and respond)

64. Do you believe our troops should have been sent to war?

65. Do you believe they should come home now?

66. Would you send British troops to fight if Israel was attacked by any of its Arab Neighbors?

67. Do you think that children should be led to school at gun point?

68. Do you think Israel should be held accountable for war crimes just as Serbian leaders have been?

69. Who would you say is historically responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ?

70. Did you know that Jews refer to ALL NON JEWS as Goyim which literally translates to "Cattle"

71. Did you know that Israel recently said that if ANY nations fired Nukes at them, they would have to act like "Mad Dogs" and would see Rome in dust before they allowed themselves to fall?

72. Did you know that they changed the Death toll of Auschwitz from 4 million to 1.5 million but still left 6 million in the history books for the future generations to learn and be misled?

73. Did you know Israel TV recently told ALL Jewish girls they should not breed with anyone who is Non Jewish?

74. Is this not the opposite of the EDL Doctrine?

75. What percentage of EDL members are Religious or racial Jews?

76. Do EDL leadership pay themselves a salary?

77. If so how much?

78. Does the EDL consider Nick Griffin a Nazi?

79. Can the EDL confirm that because they promote Free Speech they do NOT accept that the UK may enforce holocaust denial laws in this free nation of ours?

80. Can you condemn the imprisonment of renowned historian David Irving simply for exercising his Human Right to express an opinion?

81. Can we ask what the 8p per day on the forum pays for when you seem to have managed big rallies and gatherings on very little?

82. Can we expect to see the EDL form a political party based on its prior 1 policy issue?

83. Would Tommy consider running for election for Luton?

84. Take a side photo of Tommy and Then Mr Cameron and tell us honestly if they are any relation to one another?

85. Can Tommy tell us the role his grandparents played in the Wars?

86. A few personal questions now... Whats is TR favorite Quote?

87. Who are three of your greatest heroes

88. Does the JDL have any statement they would like to make with regards to the connection and break with the Terrorist faction JTF?

89. Do the EDL plan on teaching white youth that BNP, NF etc are the enemy and should be treated as such?

90. How many of the EDL leadership can honestly say that Drugs are not an everyday part of life?

91. How many youth activities have been put on by the EDL?

92. Where was the EDL leadership when helpless white youth were getting stomped in Birmingham and other earlier events?

93. Why won't the EDL speak out against big bankers?

94. Why no interest in the countless homeless?

95. Why no funding for community projects to help make England better?

96. Why won't you admit that we face two enemies, one overt and one covert?

97. What will it take for you to tell the whole truth?

98. Do you not think people deserve the whole truth?

99. Do you wonder if they can take it?

100. Can you even honestly answer any of these?

101. Will this vanish from your cage showing that any questions about your Zionist links are hidden from view?

Lets hope you can at least have the front to answer some of these questions. If you don't have time or simply already have enough lines to get through then I can wait, I am a patient man. But I will get answers to these questions, if I don't get any well then the point will be made. The point being that you are lying to the English people, you are showing the English Youth that they need to defend this nation but while you lead them toward one enemy you allow the other to creep up behind them or in your case you allow them to mingle amongst them and laugh themselves to sleep that the silly little "Goyim, once again serves the interest of Gods Chosen People"

Its time to address the concerns of many, or simply consider some people in this nation worth addressing and others as scum. We most certainly are not scum and this land belongs to us just as much as it does to the countless youth you have led astray with your Kosher flute. Our people are not rats and you will NOT lead them like rats. They will see through you and then you will go back under your rock and go back to being the WKD drinking smiley face master of deception and lies.


Wednesday, March 09, 2011

The Memory of 100 Million valued at £50

This item is used by Muslims. It is a pocket compass with keychain, high precision and portable item. The direction of mecca can be found using this.

 This is a small replica of Torah Scroll decorated with the views of the Old City of Jerusalem

 This is a Key Chain belonging to the Buddhist Faith
None of these items are religious artifacts or precious, they can all be purchased on sites like Ebay for about £2.50, the Torah key chain is most likely a little more expensive.

But they hold value to people who celebrate and practice those faiths, they have meaning to those who purchase them and if they happened to lose or break this item I am sure they would feel some kind of upset.

If someone took this item from them and destroyed it on purpose they would most certainly be angered by such actions, but more to the point if I took one of these items from someone following one of these faiths and I broke it publicly what would happen to me?

Would I be hit with a Racist charge, some kind of incitement? Or hatred toward a religious group?

Or would I be treated with the equal punishment given to the ANIMAL who decided to take the symbol of 100 Million Dead Europeans and burn it? Would they just give me a £50 fine and let me walk out of court with just that? I doubt that very much, and I don't think I am willing to put it to the test just to prove my point.

I don't happen to have £50 I can just throw away and in all reality burning these symbols would be of no interest to me, they represent something that matters to certain racial and religious groups and those racial and religious groups. (In their rightful homelands) have the right to practice any faith they wish without any interference from me!

I would want to know how a Judge can truly give such a fine when as my close comrade said today. He knows of people who received £30 pound more than that in fines for being sick in the street after a night out and a few too many beers. So vomiting in the street is worse and more offensive to the nation than burning the symbol that represents 100 million dead men, women and children?

More to the point, any educated well informed Muslim would be aware that the war was put together by the very same power that has imprisoned much of their own people in the middle east. Those 100 million died just as your people now die in wars created by the very same power structure. You took your message to the wrong place, it wasn't and isn't the British people you have to get your message across to it is those pulling the strings of war. Those 100 million souls that you decided to spit on died for the very same freedom that you see your people trying to regain in the Middle East today.

It sickens me to think we have people living amongst us who would spit on the memory of the fallen in this way, and it sickens me further to think that we have judges that can be considered skilled in their job when they can let insult toward 100 million dead and a continent of living ancestors go unchallenged like this.

The Muslim war with the Zionist agenda should never have been our fight to fight, but the immigration and destruction of our heritage and culture has made it that way and now the choice is go under or stand and defend. Just as the mass European wars of the past should never have been fought but they were and 100 million died for absolutely no freedom and democracy what so ever. Every single one of those men, women and children died just as now millions of Muslims die for the elite to prosper.

You are right when you say the war shouldn't be happening, and many agree with you but the fact still remains that if you truly have a passion for your people then you stay in the lands of your people and you defend it. If this policy was carried out by Muslims then they would all be in the middle east fighting their true defensive lines instead of biting the bait and letting Zionism control two groups of people in order to cripple and enslave both of them.

Do not claim injustice and scream for change from the safety of our land, have a back bone and go home and fight for your true principles. No Nationalist or patriot would hold that against you. Unless of course they believe that Israel was "A land without a people for a people without a land" which of course is LIES

When you allow yourself to be used as bait, and when the British nation can no longer tolerate your alien culture within our land we will have no choice but to defend, then we know what will happen. The police and system will round up the most outspoken and brave of both sides and jail them in order to advance their hate laws and free speech restrictions. Islam has its fight in the Middle East but if your willing to burn our symbols and bring the fight to the ordinary British man, woman and child who has never supported this Zionist Occupied Middle East then you will leave no choice but for us to exercise our rights to defend what is ours and that is this land, this heritage and the remembrance each and every year for those who gave their lives.

When you burn our poppy, you may aswell be setting alight to our family in front of our eyes because that poppy represented a brave man who stood shoulder to shoulder with his brothers and fought until death. Wrong or Right side of politics doesn't matter. What matters is when it came down to it the only men that mattered was those who you fought with and that in itself is the act of bravery.

All the £50 notes in the world cannot give this nation men or leaders of that caliber today. They can try and buy the power of a nation and often they shall succeed but respect and honour they can never buy from real people and burning my symbol, or leading my race and nation to slaughter will never make a man a hero in my eyes but simply a monster!

Lest We Forget Them! We Will Remember Them!


Well while some would say this is a day for all the feminists to jump for joy I thought about just how many women we have to be proud of, so I compared a short list.


Leni Reifenstal, who died not long ago at age 100. She pioneered filmmaking techniques and anyone who's ever seen her 1934 movie TRIUMPH OF THE WILL has seen a classic. The love in the eyes of the people -- especially women and children -- are a stark contrast to the glum dull eyes you see in footage of Maoist or Stalinist rallies.

"Whatever one might think of his policies, Hitler certainly commanded the love of a large part of the German population".

Riefenstal was blackballed in Hollyweird after the war.

She continued to make films and produced some fantastic documentaries about nature. She was a wonderful Aryan woman -- spirited, beautiful and creative.


Flora MacDonald 

3. Eva Braun The Real Candle In The Wind!

4. Unity Valkyrie Mitford

5. Maximine Portaz better known as Savitri Devi

Savitri Devi The Lightning and the Sun Part 1 & 2


Emmeline Pankhurst
some would like to refer to her as a feminist but if you look at her cause and her will and her overall success she most certainly wasn't anything like a feminist.

7. María Eva Duarte Ibarguren De Perón

Your Most Important Human Right In Our Struggle

Article 19 of the UN Human Rights Charter explicitly states:
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without
interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

Click Here For Countries in Flagrant Violation of Article 19

This is the example of double standards we witness day in day out. Homosexuals fight for their right to speak their voice but when that victory is reached the next step is to silence those who oppose them.

When Blacks won a voice they spoke out for years, even having nations refer to Nelson Mandela as a freedom fighter rather than as a Terrorist. But when the White race challenges the Attack against their people they are classed as haters and propagandists. 

Our call for land of our own, un damaged culture, preservation all fall upon death ears and we are simply labelled as Nazis or Racists!

Read the top line again and answer honestly, can free speech really be free if I cannot challenge ahistorical event? Can freedom really come when countless people are jailed simply for expressing an oppinion which according to our human rights is well within our rights?

Does every man jailed for political speech therefore not deserve compensation for wrongful Imprisonment?

Does the United Nations not have to step in and declare the conviction of Historians for discussing or questioning the Holocaust unlawful?

Or do they simply display who controls them by having a bending of the rules!

I cannot think of any other historical event that is punishable by prison terms? If I suggested absolute ludicrous suggestions like not a single man died in the battle of the Somme, or that no one died from starvation under Stalin, or that not a single person died in the bombing of Dresden, or that not a single innocent civilian died from accidental bombing in Vietnam no one would take me to a court and threaten me with jail.

They would simply present masses of facts that would make me look like a liar and a fool.

The problem is that with the question surrounding the Holocaust too many questions have been raised and rather than being intulectual and countering the claims against the official story, they clam up and make it illegal to discuss new facts brought to light.

If we lived our lives based around this way of thinking we wouldn't have ever discovered the world as we know it because man would still be too scared to fall off of what was once known as a flat globe.
We would have settled with half hearted facts and we wouldn't know about gravity as we do today, we wouldn't have advanced in the slightest in fact it is fair to say that without challenging an original theory we would still be rubbing two sticks together and most likely wouldn't have even gone as far as to consider using straw or thinner wood material as kindling.

One example is this...

Polish government has reduced official number of Jews killed at Auschwitz from 4

to 1.5 million


 This is one example of figures being wrong.... by 2.5 million people. Imagine the UK Government forgot to give 2.5 million people basic health care? You would soon see 2.5 million angry people protesting their rights. Or if 2.5 million unemployed didn't get their benefit money paid in on time? You would hear about this almost instantly.

The changes to the memorial stones took years and there is one majorly important question to be asked also...

They dropped the number from 4 million to 1.5 million "murdered" at Auschwitz and yet the 6 million total remains the same. If you ask why in some nations then you go to jail.

We can't have freedom of expression for some but NOT for others! It has to be free speech for all, it has to be your human right to express any opinion you choose and this should mean simply with regards to things like websites, forums, blogs that if you don't like what you read then don't read it.

There are billions of websites online with billions of views on a vast range of issues. If you remove free speech as a human right then you basically are saying that no person has the right to ANY oppinion EVER! and its this basic understanding of supressing oppinion that the enemies of our movement don't understand or appreciate. The leftists will fight for equality and fair rights for all but then say that white preservation is hatred. Mainly run Zionist media will say that we need to embrace multiculturalism while in Israel they are putting out strict clear messages to Jewish girls not to breed with Arabs and Non Jews, saying that if "we do not have an identity or culture then we really don't exist" nobody challenges this oppinion and I personally don't challenge this oppinion I stand by the policy because if I didn't that would make me a hypocrite witch I most certainly am not.

 The freedom to voice your concerns is a right we all have but anyone with half open eyes can see that this equality isn't equal this diversity is diverse only to certain ethnic groups not including the white peoples of the world. The right to question history is a right any man or woman has. To close the lid on historical events is as negative as it would be to stop science dead in its tracks tomorrow and settle with all we know. We would put millions of lives at risk with no future research on medecine, we would risk the lives of millions of new born babies who could have been saved had we just kept on looking at how we can learn more. In many ways making it illegal to deny or argue an event is de-evolution of the human mind. 

Imagine we had it the way of the enemy and we closed the door on history. No finally working out the wonders and mystery surrounding how Stonehendge come to be, no further understanding of what made the greeks such an attribute to makind, no further understanding of great lost civilizations of our past, no explanation for the things we are yet to understand. Just like a fear of falling from the earth because it is flat. It takes just one person to suggest another way, another choice, another alternative to the choice we have already made or accepted. 

If we want free speech, if people the world over want the basic human right to speak out and express themselves then its up to the world to defend free speech and expression. Its up to us as a race to say that we are humans and we have a basic human right that the United Nations declared.

I am talking here to just those reading my blog, so I break no laws and insult no one because you all have come here of your own accord. Just as anyone coming to this blog would know that the National Front has views based on Race and Nation so if your coming into the debate you can't then claim to be offended and thats what the law is trying to do to us. 

If 100 people attend a meeting and 99 agree on full content of a speech, the crazy PC laws want to make it that the 1 man can claim to be offended and you face a race hate or political thought crime charge of some kind. Thats why it is important for people to understand the way they trap people with incitement and a reason I will never allow myself to fall under the "Incitement" charge. Incitement is me saying you should ... or i think you should all... or I call on you all to ....

 A lot of less informed youngsters fall into this all the time and in all reality most times charges of incitement are brought against someone it is clear that the word incitement should actually be considered (in most cases) as motivation. If I say we have a rally in 3 weeks and I say I urge as many people as possible to attend is this incitement? or is this the same act that the Conservative or Labour party would use to gather support for a key speech?

We either have free speech or we don't but its time all these anti NF groups realize that you can't win free speech and then try and take it from others, unless of course like the monster Zionist puppet UAF have shown thats the exact ideology that you gain from the tutors of your philosophy..

I won't insult the UAF because they would quickly jump on it as Hate Speech but I end with a prime example of a White political activist who was killed in the USA this week. Dave Lynch now the people who fight "WHITE HATERS" posted this on anti racist websites all over the world and some quotes from this haters of hate were as follows.

"I hope his family suffer for ever and his kids grow up lonely Rot In Piss"

"Good Riddance To Scum"

"Lets hope his kids go in care Rot In Piss"

Just three random quotes among many that you can find online. You don't have to like the man but if you never met him and never had any dealings with him, plus you are an activist for anti racism then surely this isn't how you talk about a man or about a family who now has lost its father?

As sick as these comments are I have to painfully accept their right to free speech, but if I suggested that 1 less Jew dies in World War 2 I would be a Nazi, if I suggested that a large majority of Black Youth stabbed in London are related to gang activity and drug distribution I would be hateful? 

Thanks for reading....  

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Israel Isn't Enough !!!

This just says it all...

Taking a land away causing mass bloodshed and killing children isn't enough.

They want MORE!

Sunday, March 06, 2011

For those Conspiracy people...

Now the title was meant to be a joke but the situation really isn't all that funny so I intend to be serious on an issue which surely is an issue for all of us.

The post is about the threat we have with half truths and now that I finished my video English Defence League - Half Truths I intend to make a video covering the lies told by some of the people we are supposed to be able to trust.

Now the very word "conspiracy" has been used too widely and has made all debate and questions about war, terror etc look like the same outrageous discussion on par with aliens and shape shifting reptiles.

I believe 100% that the US government had inside knowledge of 9/11 before 9/11.
I believe the whole purpose of the war was to take control of an area, destroy it so as to get contracts to rebuild it, then make millions re-arming those same people.

I believe the reason the EDL shot to fame while the nationalist movements sat in the background was NOT because they brought truth to the platform but because they have provided the Zionists with a win win situation. They keep the British people angry or willing for war because they breed a hatred amongst the Muslims here which we have to live through day by day.

They know that the UK government is fully behind Israel and all their actions. They know that the Muslims in this nation let in through Zionist controlled British covert rule have a anger for that British support of Israel and so home grown terror is easy as pie for these covert agents to harness and they are doing an excellent job.

I believe that JFK was killed by more than a lone gunman, and I believe that it has to be lunatic to believe that him and his Brother can both die unprotected in such a short space of time.

I believe that certain symbols are used to speak amongst elite groups of people and I most certainly know that mind control is a tool that the system uses daily on people the world over. Still even after being able to prove all of this beyond any reasonable doubt these topics are still called "Conspiracy"

The reason we have this label around things like this is because others take the whole truth and overlay utter fabrication in amongst it.

Some may have read or seen a man by the name of David Icke, used to be a BBC presenter until he decided he was the son of Christ and that the moon had people living in it. He spoke out about many things which can be said to be true also like fluoride in the water, Rothschild money influence in Britain etc, but then he went on to say that the queen had reptile blood and was a shape shifting Lizard.

He couldn't stick with the mason stuff and exposing the big money people, he had to then overlap the facts with mad hatter stuff so that everything he said made him look insane. Even after exposing everything that Icke did he still wouldn't say JEW

He would say lizard, or today his favorite is Rothschild Zionist but he wouldn't say Jew, even when he was quoting an article which had the word Jew he would replace it with Rothschild Zionist.

I put this down to the fact that he wants to keep a mainstream audience and wants very much to keep selling books and selling out stadiums and theaters around the globe. But to stray from the truth at the last hurdle is unforgivable. To tell people Rothschild, bilderberg and many others and then to ignore the overwhelming Jewish influence amongst that is ignorance or plain enemy tactics.

Then of course we have Alex Jones who is Americas biggest alternative news source by far, Alex Jones also in his credit has exposed masses of New World Order issues and most if not all of what he speaks about with regards to Americas bleak future is true as can be. He exposes time after time the plans to depopulate people with vaccines and gm food crops and has covered very well the issues surrounding 9/11 but when you go near Zionism or Israel Alex Jones takes a big leap backwards and states that he supports the state of Israel and that he doesn't support the "White Supremacy Groups" the only problem with that statement is that he is openly revealing the enemy of his own race, he is openly exposing hate laws that are being passed to protect all but white people and he still can't bring himself to except that white people are a victim of hatred specifically & solely because they are white.

So what good is it when these people lure white nationalists away into a fantasy world of "what if's" & "maybes" what good does it do when they take hard work and education and twist it to suit a publicity campaign they have running in their own minds. What good can they do to race or nation both in the United States or Europe when they tell half truths on important issues. How can these people expose so much Zionist Power and NOT call that this elite are almost exclusively Zionist Jews.

I see it like this, if you lie to those who listen to you even once then they should discredit everything you say from then on. If you are honest with people from start to finish and you die known as an honest man that is the greatest legacy I think we can leave in a time when honesty seems nothing but a word in the dictionary amongst most people today. Honesty is why Racialist speakers like Dr David Duke or William Pierce have my full support and my full attention, it is people like John Tyndall who didn't play up to popular opinion but gritted his teeth and came out above all opposition to state the facts.

Don't look at these people who have weekly shows and think they give you the whole truth and then doubt men like Zundel or David Irving who have been jailed for their words. Surely think first that the ones who have been silenced had the most valid information to speak of. When Alex Jones comes on his TV show each day and goes home each night without ever being followed or attacked by any of the 300+ million Americans you need to start asking how can Alex Jones be safe, David Icke be safe but JFK and his Brother can be laid out dead for the world to see.

How is it that Terrorism happens only when it seems to suit an agenda? How come we don't see football games or cricket matches or charity events or political rallies or concerts or mass outdoor gatherings or marathons, or any of this attacked week after week month after month by an enemy that we hear so often wants to wipe us from the face of the earth?

Why do we never question the official story but we are simply willing to except the facts. Why do we say we want rights for whites but then when we read something with regards to Israel/Palestine we think that if we say Arabs are right to defend a land this will make us Pro Islam and because Islam is a threat to us in our lands saying we support a Arab people in their own cause will some how make us less proud of who or what we believe in?

Thats living a lie, thats half truth and more importantly that is conforming to the system by which we are forced to live. We are not at war with Palestine anymore than Palestine is at war with us. We have Islam in this nation which we consider European land and therefore those people in our way of ideology are invaders in our land and many Muslims including those in Iran have said that Arabs should return home and help build the nation of the middle east back up. I don't stand against the return of Arabs to the middle east in fact I support fully this idea, just as if I were alive during the days of Marcus Garvey I would have supported his ideas with regards to blacks returning to their home and making Africa great for Africans.

Anything promoting the survival and separation of ANY racial group is positive toward my races survival and so I support it 200%

I believe that I have the right to defend my land and its native people. Just as I believe that Nigerians have the right to defend the people of Nigeria. Just as the people of Bangladesh have the right to defend their way of life and culture so to I believe the Palestinians have this right.

Having said all this I have also made it clear that when I see Muslims jumping up and down outside town halls and embassy buildings in London for the people of Libya I simply think of cowards because this people left and gave up on their land, they surrendered to the system and let the change or regime rule them rather than the rightful law of people electing a leader and keeping him in his seat of power only while he serves the people.

You cannot claim to support your nation or your people when you have abandoned those people, I am from England and this Island I live on just so happens to be called the United Kingdom, it could be called the land of the Bulldog or the land of the miserable and I would still love her because this is the land I grew on. This is the grass I ran through as a child in the spring, this is the air I Breath and the soil my forefathers tilled. I didn't choose this land this land chose me. I didn't take this land I was giving it by much better mannered men who came before me and who gave their blood sweat and tears to make this land what it is.

I am not a guest in this land I am one of the rightful occupants of this land. The space I walk around in, the towns I visit, the streets I wander through, the Parks my children used to play in, the wonderful landscape I lose myself in was carved over generations and all that I love I love because it is part of me just as much as I am a part of it.

Race Matters! David Icke and his Lizards don't matter!
Race is important! Alex Jones selling of Nuclear fallout shelters and grow your own farms and silver solution lung cleaning products do not matter!

They are a diversion from the whole hearted truth and that diversion happens at a critical time when people have their finger on the pulse.

For those who follow Alex Jones or David Icke I say this...

All they had to say on things that mattered we got from them in the start. New World Order, the infiltration of Freemasonry, the fluoride in the water, the CIA mind control tests, the brainwashing of children through TV and even in some cases using subliminal messages. All this stuff is true and lets simply take that chunk of information and back away from these absolute undercover agents.

David Icke can call the Jews Lizards and get arrested in Canada because of it, he can tell the world people live in the moon and he can keep on telling those that will listen that we live in a giant virtual reality but the fact is this hatred towards my race, this closure of rights for totalitarian government, this loss of freedoms day by day, this war on terror deception, this re-education of our children seems very very real to me Mr Icke so I think I will take your Rothschild Zionist and work with that but you can keep you Moon theory and you can keep your links that take you right up to Mr Crowley and back away from my reality.

Alex Jones, I can't afford to buy or build a nuclear fallout shelter, I can't take on the British system with my garden shovel and I certainly don't see a nation ready to rebel against anything. I see an America that has guns to keep them safe but day after day I just hear Alex Jones say "Be ready" there coming to take your guns, be on the lookout for fema camps popping up near you. Beware that that are infecting your water, don't let them pass the hate speech bill all the while saying.

Its not Jews, or stating support for Israel.

David Duke, William Pierce on the other hand has told the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth from day one and it is exclusively for this reason that they don't have shows on TV. They don't sell out theaters or even get the chance to rent them. They don't get equal platform, they don't get invited to speak on Alex Jones or David Icke tours and this shows clearly what they are and more importantly who these rats work for and it most certainly isn't for the better of our people.

So final thoughts on this are simple, if you want to stay on course and do what is best for Race & Nation then you need to stick on topic rather than letting these very clever agents take you off the track, if you want to stand up and shout your rights to freedom and rights to your own land for your own race and then at the same time you are willing to stand and say Israel belongs to Jews and all Arabs living there need to move then you need a reality check plain and simple.

If we don't want Islamic invasion in our nations does it not make sense that we need to be in control of the policies in that nation? If we want to address our own issues then we need our own control, not control being in the hands of those who will continue to push the two religious groups together until it explodes into all out chaos. The fact is that Israel - Muslim wars belong not here but in the same place as their origins.

The conflict that we see in Europe isn't our conflict. We have wars dating back to the beginning of recorded word that show how we have had enough of our own internal wars to last a lifetime. We don't have to involve ourselves in this war. We don't have to give lives and allow service men and women to die for a war that is nothing to do with us. What we need to do is ignore this conflict, not support its reign of terror exclusively to benefit our governments "Israeli Friends" do not support those occupying but support the rightful occupant of a land.

When our own white people can see that supporting Israel means continuing our threat of violence at home, when our people can at least consider the other option which is rather than this continued support for terror and genocide the support for a nationalist to defend his or her nation.

Only when this taboo or media lie has been exposed can we truly show people that multiculturalism is the true racism. Only when we can wake up the masses of sheep to the fact that culture, heritage, custom, history of a people is not for sale or manipulation can we show the world that racial preservation is the right of all people not just all non white people. The sooner the world wakes up to the fact that just as we want to "Save Tibet" and save the "Polar Bear" and the "Seal" we also want to preserve our own people and our own way of life.

Its that message we need to stay on course and fight tooth and nail for, its that ideology that outweighs all the stupid idiology. Its truth that outweighs fiction and half truths and it is always the truth that prevails over falsehoods.

The safety of our children...

The main reason for this article is to address the concern we have for the safety of children in a world that seems to be getting "very lenient" toward those who would do harm to children.

This sunject may well address issues that are sensitive but I believe it is crucial that we address this problem before it becomes almost part of western fabric.

I have put together from research as much information as I can in order to fully address this problem. We have been shown in many examples how multiculturalism based around religion is a huge problem. For me to write here that Aisha (Aisha bint Abu Bakr) was only 9 when she married is not anything other than fact. I can't be called racist for these remarks because it is fact and if I am racist for the truth then surely wikipedia and google and all search engines are also guilty of racism.

In western values we certainly would NOT marry our daughters out to men at 9 years of age so we certainly can see conflict between our morals and the morals of Islam. This is again stating fact, what works for our culture doesn't work for islam and clearly with this example what works for Islam does not work for European peoples.

The big issue I have it that we have seen clearly this issue and conflict but we don't see this same condemnation towards other religions who practice similar evils. This again has to be down to what we are told and what we have hidden from us. This surely has to be because we only watch a stream of news and media outlets that have already been brought by those who wish to portray one side of the coin.

I am sure that ALL people with western values would consider the legal age of sex to be 16 and we would say that just because someone was 16 and therefore legal this would not mean that a 45 year old man who was involved with a 16 year old girl sexually was well within his rights and so he was fine to do so.

Most fathers who have 16 year old daughters (mine being 14) would be horrified if there 16 year old daughter come home with a 45 year old man. In some cases this may be older than the father himself. We have morals that cannot be judged as right or wrong by the politically correct, just as some laws are cloudy like this very law I am talking about.

Morals are the basic system surely? I am for example 28 and my partner is 9 years older than myself. We have been together almost 12 years. I was 17 she was 26 when we first got together and she had 3 children whose father had sadly died in a motorbike accident. At first my mothers concern was that it wouldn't last. She wasn't concerned by the 9 years or by the fact that this woman already had children. Her only concern was that I would pin all my hopes on something and lose it six months later. Obviously 12 years later that hasn't happened but it has come full circle because now my step children are 18, 16 and 14

My eldest son has a girlfriend his own age. My youngest son doesn't have a girlfriend right now and doesn't really show any interest in wasting his time looking right now, and my daughter has a boyfriend also her own age.

So if my son come home tomorrow and said he wasn't with his girlfriend anymore and had met a woman 10 years older than him, I suppose I can see how he can relate with someone ten years older and so I wouldn't have a problem with it. If he brought home a 45 year old woman I'd think he was maybe drunk and would wake up in a few hours screaming that I had set him up for a video prank.

I am sure you understand the point, we have a limit and we have morals. We base our morals around protecting our children. What we see as good for them may not be right but when we can we guide them and try to surely at least remove errors we made in our own lives so that they don't have to go through the same pains and problems.

So mixing and matching cultures and religions doesn't promise us a time of happiness but instead looks like a disaster waiting to happen. How can our children truly be safe in a multi faith society when one part of that society has different views on vital issues like the age of consent?

How can our own children under the age of 16 live safely with the knowledge that a growing number of people within this nation have views on age of consent that conflict with the law of the land?

Now I don't need to cover the Islam/British conflict of interest because as I have stated before the EDL on most parts have warned the people a great deal as to the threats faced from islam within this land and the lands of Europe. What I have to do and what I have to make clear is that within the Jewish faith this kind of activity is not rare and before anyone screams "ANTI SEMITE" let me include the priests of countless Catholic churches across the world also that have been exposed for cruel acts against children.

Everyone and his uncle knows the evils that have happened in Churches and the people within the faith have been quick to condemn it. The fact is while the Church has condemned it, it hasn't gone away.

Everyone who knows of Aisha knows that this conflicts with our way of life and this cannot be condemned as hatred toward anyone it is simply the truth. We do not except that our 9 year old children could be made to marry. Thats how it is, thats our ways.

So I have presented an example of just the same perversions except this time they are most likely all cases that you didn't hear about, or heard very very little about at most.

This year, top Israeli Rabbi Moti Elon was indicted by police for sex crimes against minors. “Far from being the rabbi of an obscure Hasidic sect, the charismatic Elon is a high-profile leader, educator and media personality, representing the more mainstream religious Zionists and former head of the renowned HaKotel (Western Wall) Yeshiva. He comes from a family of high achievers in law, politics and academia that has drawn comparisons with the Kennedy clan.”

In 2006, Elon was restricted by an organization of rabbis in his contact with students, after confessing to sexual relationships with male students. Yet he continued to act as the president of a Talmudic academy in Jerusalem and did not fully honor the agreement. One Ha’aretz commentary says Elon “managed to turn himself into almost a kind of saint” –a fate certainly to be envied by American religious figures turned pedophiles.

Dr. Aviad Hacohen, dean of the Sha'arei Mishpat College, in 2007 reported that “95% of sexual offences in Jerusalem were performed by the religious and haredi.” “Several years ago, I began looking into the issue on a data-based level," said Hacohen. "It turned out that the law enforcement authorities, both the police and the prosecutor's office, were aware of the data but refused to expose it based on sectorial affiliation in order to avoid branding a certain group in the population…”

Since the following article was written in 2006, cases of Jewish leadership figures in Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Judaism being involved in homosexuality or pedophilia scandals continue to mount not only in Israel, but in New York, where Ultra-Orthodox are strongest.

Included is a link to another article which discusses the very same moral issue I discussed regarding Islam, this time it looks at some Jewish teachings which refer to an acceptable age as 3 years and 1 day for girls and 9 years of age for boys. The article was extremly long so I didn't copy and paste but I found this shocking to read and the amount of things that match up between Islam and the teachings of the Jewish book known as the Talmud were unreal

I would advise those who know the dangers of Religious law endangering our young to look closely at the comparisons between the two and ask yourself again why it is that the EDL leadership is quick to show and educate the masses on the dangers we face from the Islamic religious invasion of our lands but paint a bright future when talking about the alliance with Israel and the Jewish faith.

I will end this article the same way I started it, by stating clearly that this article draws together only facts from other sources and all those sources are either religious or fact based and can all be found by ANYONE using google, ask, or the latest sheeple button "bing"

This isn't heads I win, tails you lose here. Its fair facts, real information and the truth outshining the half truths.

Please don't ignore the added link because its important information.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

A jewish songwriter sings against blondes

SoKo (born Stéphanie Sokolinski) is a French singer and actress. She is best known for her 2007 single "I'll Kill Her".

Sokolinski was born in Bordeaux, France to a Jewish Polish family. She has used the nickname Soko as long as she can remember.[1] Sokolinski left home at 16, quit school and moved to Paris to start acting class with Eva St Paul where she studied for one year; she then resumed her education at several different schools, but quickly tired of it. She later appeared in several French films and began to write songs.

Friday, March 04, 2011

14 Why's By David Lane

The Images we fight to preserve...

Fair Child of light, you are my Kin,
In Body, soul and mind;
A spirit call from deep within,
I must preserve your kind.

1. Why are we called "haters" when our cause is the preservation of the beauty of our children?

2. Why does the media call 92% of the earths population, that is non white, "minorities?"

3. Why is it evil to talk with pride of our own White race, when all other races are encouraged to do so?

4. Why does the media repudiate the historically proven fact that racial intergration is cultural and biological genocide?

5. Why does America disavow the vast differences in civilization between Africa, China and Europe?

6. Why do all major Christian leaders, from Billy Graham to the Pope, promote genocide of the White race by encouraging interracial marriage?

7. Why is an act of self defense by a White man prosecuted as a "hate crime?"

8. Why is the very name of our race, Aryan, condemned as "White Supremacist?"

9. Why is all history being rewritten to obsure and denigrate the genius and accomplishments of the White race?

10. Why are only White people, unlike other races, denied a White homeland?

11. Why do Christian churches promote adoption of colored children from all over the world by White families, when they know the result is genocide of the White race?

12. Why does all entertainment, from movies and magazines to sports, promote miscegenation by making token heroes of colored males to our women and children?

13. Why dos the US government advance White genocide through forced bussing of our school children?

14. Why are we not told that less than 2% of the earth's population is young, White female? As the future of our race is in the wombs of our women, the White race is on the brink of extinction.

14 Words,
David Lane

Two Austrian Artists

Above: "Naked girl, resting in the bloody guts of a butchered sow" - Hermann Nitsch, 1998

Above: "Mother Mary with the Holy Child Jesus Christ" - Adolf Hitler 1913

Below: A portrayal of a woman by Adolf Hitler

"Bathing in a Mountain Lake" - Adolf Hitler, 1933

This is how Nitsch portrays women

"Girl, together with a butchered pig under a cross" - Hermann Nitsch, 1998

Adolf Hitler's view of nature and Jesus

"Mountain scene with wayside cross" - Adolf Hitler, 1923 - 1925

This is how Nitsch worships Jesus

"Jesus under bleeding pig" - Hermann Nitsch, 1998

Hitler's portrayal of Christian architecture

"Karls-Church, Vienna" - Adolf Hitler, 1912

This is how Nitsch portrays Christianity

"Jesus, crucified together with a butchered pig" - Hermann Nitsch, 1998

Adolf Hitler - "house painter" Hermann Nitsch - "artist" .

Adolf Hitler is called the "house painter", not a painter or an artist. Hermann Nitsch on the other hand is praised as being one of the greatest artists of our time. On August 10th, 1998 he concluded one of his most successful open air exhibitions of modern art, lasting for one week. Nitsch was cheered by the Austrian Chancellor, ministers and other government officials. All politically correct parties in Austria were in praise of the "unique artwork" of Hermann Nitsch. This genius is sponsored with Millions of Schillings by the Austrian government in order to secure the ongoing production of Nitsch's works. The Austrian government and the media believe that Nitsch can uplift one's spirit by his "touching creations". On the other hand, an individual will go to prison for up to 15 years if he possesses and shows or exhibits an Adolf Hitler painting.

This is an example of our democratic right of freedom of artistic expression and ideas. We are thankful that we can enjoy the outstanding works of Nitsch and are spared the horrors of Adolf Hitler's ugly scribbles. Thank God, democracy selects what we are allowed to see and what we are allowed to read and say.

Who's art would you want
your children to see?

Exclusive YNF Full Length Documentary (E.D.L Half Truths)


I just completed (After about 300 hours LOL) the documentary for the YNF.
Its entitled (English Defence League - Half Truths)

Please watch when you find the time, its about 1hr45m but I did my best to address every issue and leave those following Tommy into his Zionist agenda with some questions to answer.

None of the topics I discuss are anything other than debates being discussed the world over. I am proud to represent the National Front and I am determined in my task to awaken the sheeple of the EDL to the other side of the coin.

I present to my fellow comrades the first of many YNF presentations.

English Defence League - Half Truths

(The other links will be found when following the one below.)

Thanks for your continued support

Click this video & you will find the others parts on the page.